This page was no longer going to be updated - see this page for why - but I am going to resume updating it, effective 10/15/2018.
Editor's Note: This page WAS simply meant to collect links to political articles. Each of the links on this page could have been a separate post, which would have artificially inflated the total post count on this blog. The following guiding principles have been established for this page:- This is a page with blind links. I often used the title of the article so the decision can be made whether to click the link or not. If it looks interesting, click it.
- This is a page that sometimes has a date of publication next to a link. When it was available, it will be included. Also, the articles were arranged with the most recently added link at the top of the list for the month.
- This was not a "fair and balanced" page. There was no attempt whatsoever on my part to have an equal number of "conservative" links and "liberal" links on this page. While I often align myself with Conservative values, there are some issues where the Conservatives have it wrong.
December 2018
- Lisa Boothe on Trump's Iraq Visit: He 'Just Can't Win - Ever - With the Media'
She said Trump was prematurely criticized for not taking the trip on Christmas, and then when he did make the trip, he was panned over his speech to soldiers. "President Trump just can't win, ever, with the media," she said. -
- Gutierrez Berates ‘Remorseless’ Nielsen for 6 Minutes, Leaves Before She Can Respond
- Answer: Because President Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall. Question:Why hasn’t someone started a GoFundMe for Trump’s wall?
- Chris Matthews is the worst!
- The Next Koch Doesn’t Like Politics
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Expertly Dismisses Kellyanne Conway Insult
- Stephen King Has Explicit Suggestion For What Donald Trump Can Do With His Border Wall
- Some Mormons Are Raising Holy Heck Over New 'Deadpool' Promo
- Donald Trump: 'I Never Directed Michael Cohen To Break The Law'
- Abandoned By Confidants, Investigation Draws Closer To Oval Office
- Green New Deal Gains Key Support At Home As Trump Undercuts UN Climate Talks Abroad
- WOW! Judge ORDERS Mueller To Hand Over A Dump Truck Full Of Secret Documents! December 13, 2018
- Trump Inauguration Committee Under Criminal Investigation Over Spending: Report
- In his first two years in office, President Trump operated without a clear check on his power. With his party controlling both houses of Congress, he issued demands from his bedroom in the form of early-morning tweets, and legislative leaders got in line.
- Trump Battles With Nancy Pelosi And Chuck Schumer Over Border Wall Funding
- Pelosi Takes Hard Line on Trump's Border Wall: 'Immoral, Ineffective and Expensive'
- Immoral? Really? A Catholic who supports abortion is going to lecture about morals?!? Honestly, I'm okay with calling the wall "ineffective and expensive" because those are two things that can be proven, whereas morals are a judgment call
November 2018 - 41
- 'Easier to Destroy Than Create': Tucker, Rubin on Liberals Targeting 'Rudolph' as Bigoted
- It Finally Happened: Liberals Wage War on Christmas Classic ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’
- Now the LOTR is Racist
- So How?
- There It Is: Left-Wing Entertainer Offers the Worst Defense of Abortion Ever
- The moral bankruptcy of those who fervently defend the right to dismember baby humans in the sanctuary of their mother’s womb is well established. But sometimes it can slip from the public consciousness how willing abortion apologists are to intellectually beclown themselves for the cause.
That’s why it’s nice to have those like former TV host turned left-wing commentator John Fugelsang to remind us all. - Email from Erick Erickson
- Good morning,
Stacey Abrams has fallen short of 17,594 votes she needs to make it into a runoff with Brian Kemp and has fallen short of the 54,801 votes she would need to win out right. So Abrams' campaign intends to file a lawsuit to have the entire election thrown out and started over. I was an elections lawyer who defended elections in the state of Georgia. Here's why she will not succeed.
This is unheard of at the state level and will probably be swiftly kicked out of court for a variety of reasons. The Abrams campaign is relying on a statute that says a new election can occur for "misconduct, fraud or irregularities ... sufficient to change or place in doubt the results.” Case law in Georgia does not support her claim. I have actually defended elections in Georgia under this standard and it is extremely difficult for Abrams to meet.
The reason it is extremely difficult for Abrams to meet is because Georgia and federal case law presume no election is run smoothly. Every single election has problems. On top of that, in Georgia each county conducts its own elections. The Secretary of State of Georgia does not actually conduct the elections unlike the Abrams claim. Technically, Abrams will need to show flaws in each county, not just cumulatively, because she is dealing with 159 county boards of elections.
Under Georgia case law, she will need to begin with a mathematical formula for election irregularity. Keep reading…
All the best,
Erick Erickson
- Disney World Caved to Union Wage Hike Demands, and Guess What Happened?
- The most recent example of the consequences associated with failure to comprehend basic economics is unfolding in the vacation capital of the world, Walt Disney World.
The fan site, WDW Magic announced the news yesterday:
“Automated PhotoPass coming to Walt Disney World meet and greets.”
If you’ve never actually put your marriage to the ultimate test by draining your life savings and taking your family to Disney World for a week, you may not have any idea what that bit of news means.
It’s pretty simple: throughout the park there are professional photographers stationed at locations where - HUH?! Kamala Harris to ICE Director: ICE no different than KKK.
- Tucker: Ocasio-Cortez 'Has a Very Good Point' About NYC-Amazon Deal Democratic socialist blasts tax breaks for Amazon HQ.
- 70,000 Problems for the GOP, Plus Texasf
- Why Are Feminists So Scared of Female Individuality?
- As More Election Results Come In, The Blue Wave Gets Bigger
- There's Just One Little Problem.........
- Having forsaken tips to run for office, former bartender Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has housing worries...One of the requirements of being a member of the House of Representatives is being able to get to the Capitol to do your job when your term begins. That's in Washington D.C. not Queens. According to a New York Times Article, this could be an obstacle for Alexandria Ocasio Cortez...In the saccharine and adoring New York Times profile after her all but assured election, Ocasio Cortez seems convinced that her win signals some kind of far Left Progressive mandate nationwide. It's kind of adorable since far Left candidates didn't do so well outside of deep blue urban districts like hers.
- Where Do we go when Journalism fails Us?
- Democratic House threatens Trump's business agenda Democrats' capture of the U.S. House is expected to complicate President Trump's push to negotiate new trade deals and cut regulations, the Wall Street Journal writes. Expect Dems to seek tax increases - including a hike in the corporate tax rate - as part of a budget deal, while attempting to block efforts to make individual income tax cuts passed last year permanent, economists and policy analysts say. While the party will challenge Mr. Trump on military spending and foreign business dealings, his executive power will frustrate any effort to control trade power, notes CNBC. "On trade, it's going to be the same, if not worse, in terms of U.S.-China," Steven Okun, senior advisor at McLarty Associates, told the network.
Meanwhile, in Des Moines, Republicans will continue to set the tone after Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds' election to her first full term, and her party hung onto control of both the House and Senate. "What it tells me is people are happy with what we are doing in Iowa at the state level," said State Senate President Charles Schneider. Republicans will gain three seats in the Senate to hold a 32-18 advantage if unofficial results stand, while maintaining a 54-46 margin in the House. The Republican majorities will prevent Democrats from overturning recent legislation that took away most collective bargaining rights, as well as a package of state tax cuts and major changes in the workers' compensation system, the Register notes.
- The Dear Diary on this will be Fantastic
- Today is All About Trump
Note: the "I" in this graphic is NOT me - Donald Trump’s Racist Midterm Pitch Is His 'Swing Around The Circle'
- Andrew Gillum Is At Home With His Blackness
- Barack Obama Deals With Hecklers In The Most Respectful, Un-Trumpian Way
- Big Bird to be renamed as as it is an offensive way of saying ‘fat woman’ – U OK Hun?
- In The 2018 Midterms, Democrats Have A Historic Opportunity. Do They Have The Votes?
- Trump just gave a speech so racist MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace refused to air it live - By Natalie Dickinson - Published on November 1, 2018
- CNN Host Calls White Males The Nation's Greatest Terror Threat
- Scalise Goes Viral with Response to Don Lemon’s ‘I Don’t See Democrats Killing People’ Claim
October 15, 2018 - October 31, 2018 - 37 Total
- Stacey Abrams: Ban AR-15s and possibly confiscate them?!?!
- Can We All Just Tone Down the Rhetoric a Bit?
- No President Has the Power to Do This
- A comment from this article:
- No, the President doesn't have this power and yes, the Constitution should've been amended to correct this deliberate miss-translation a century ago.
But this argument that we can't charge illegal immigrants for crimes in the United States is for schmucks. If an illegal crosses the border to go an emergency room, we have no choice but to treat them. If they apply for welfare, food stamps and driver's licenses, we have to take care of them, the Supreme Court says, there can be no discrimination. If they want to enroll in public schools, not only are we forced to accept them, but we'll even hire a Spanish language instructor to teach them in their native language. But if five of them gang rape two underage American girls for four hours before strangling them with belts and then steals their watches to give as presents to their girlfriends, we can't put them in the electric chair because they're not US citizens? !Pierdase!
- WATCH: Acosta Challenges Sanders on Trump Calling Media 'Enemy of the People'
- 9 hours of ‘Executive Time’: Trump’s unstructured days define his presidency - The president’s schedule shows huge swaths of his day unplanned, allowing his whims and momentary interests to drive White House business. By ELIANA JOHNSON and DANIEL LIPPMAN - 10/29/2018 05:01 AM EDT
- Chuck Grassley Doubles Down on Criminal Referrals Against Michael Avenatti
- This Past Week Shows How Impulsivity Has Trumped Self-Reflection
- Not Attacking Rush Limbaugh Strangely Triggered Leftists in the Media
- Toward Creating a Trans Literary Canon
- This fall, I’m teaching a course titled “Masculinity in Literature.” The small seminar is attended by men, all in their twenties, earning their college degrees while incarcerated. Before we began our discussion of Leslie Feinberg’s Stone Butch Blues—perhaps the only “canonical” trans book, if such a thing as a trans canon can be said to exist—we generated a partial list of gender terminology: transgender, transsexual, agender, two-spirit, trans woman, bigender, trans man, FTM, MTF, boi, femme, soft butch, cisgender. The students already knew, at least in rough contours, how these terms were used. They weren’t contentious. What was contentious: man and woman, and the course’s undergirding premise that reading texts about masculinity that have nothing to do with cisgender, heterosexual, white men can teach us a good deal about masculinities. As the discussion progressed, our collective sense of what determines “masculinity” and “maleness” decalcified. One student grew impatient. “Words have to mean something,” he said. “Being a man means something.” He wasn’t frustrated with the abstract possibilities of fluidity, with the notion that some people are trans, or with the idea that identification is not a given. Rather, his concern was that, if gender identity is mutable for others, then what does that mean for him, an adult man who has never questioned his gender? That is, if we refuse the idea of biological essentialism—if “men” and “women” are more than the sum of genitals, secondary sex characteristics, and chromosomes—what does that do to the definition of his own maleness?
On October 21, the New York Times published a piece titled, “‘Transgender’ Could Be Defined Out of Existence Under Trump Administration.” The thrust of the article: the Trump administration may move toward defining gender as biological, immutable, and essentially determined by genitalia at birth, and transgender people could face a terrifying curtailing of civil protections and recognition as a result. As many people have said, such a move misunderstands the distinctions between gender and sex, and is viciously mean-spirited, a pathetic attempt to shore up support from a base whose hatred of “identity politics” manifests, paradoxically, as the inability to disconnect from them. In some ways, the redefinition under consideration by the Trump administration is what my student was arguing for: a coherent, unswerving, unshakable definition of gender that leaves no room for debate or deviance. You’re either a girl or you’re a boy, and how you feel about that is immaterial. Those words, and those roles, are left unexamined.
But that’s not how my conversation with this student ended. He didn’t define me out of his reality, or choose to see the inconvenience of my trans body, my self, as a challenge to him and to the way he has, for the last two decades, understood the world. He tried, instead, to work toward a definition of gender by which our different truths wouldn’t invalidate one another. -
- Megyn Kelly Off Air Rest Of Week Amid Cancellation Rumors
- Trump cites 2005 Obama remarks to support immigration policy
- Avenatti’s Law Firm Looking For A New Place After Being Hit with Eviction Notice
By Ben Marquis - October 22, 2018 at 4:15pm - Dear Mr. Trump: I'm Transgender And I Have A Few Things I Want You To Know
- From the above link, I read this and thought, "Uh, yeah, I think it does make you male." That's what I don't get. The Liberals are the party of "science" but still claim that if I have boy parts, I can call myself a girl and if I have girl parts, I can call myself a boy. Flat-out, you either have a pole or a cave. There is a small percentage that have both so I'm aware of people - and I do think they are people. Flat-out, I don't feel the need to share what I do in my bedroom and I don't feel the need to endorse what you do in your bedroom. Stop making me endorse or approve or make choices based upon what Ben Shapiro calls "a mental illness."
- And I get it - I'm in the minority. This is what I entered in Google - ben shapiro transgender mental illness- and the top 5 results are about arguing against Shapiro's position, as shown below:
- Trump vows to cut Central America aid, raises alarm on migrant caravan
- Activists Blast White House Plan To Eradicate Transgender From Gender Definition
- Ammar Campa-Najjar's Race Against Indicted Republican Duncan Hunter Shows How Hard It Will Be For Democrats To Take The House
- White People Owe Us An Apology, But We Don’t Owe Them Forgiveness
- This New Right-Wing Site Falsely Blamed A UNC Professor For Heather Heyer's Death
- Elderly Woman In Ryanair Racial Abuse Video Still Hasn’t Heard From The Airline
- This Is the Best Political Ad of the Year; If the RNC Has Any Guts at All, It Will Air 24/7 Until Nov. 6
- THE UNCIVIL LEFT - NOW IT'S ROSIE'S TURN: Rosie O'Donnell, a longtime, notorious critic of President Trump, said Thursday she wants to have U.S. armed forces remove him from the White House ... "I want to send the military to the White House to get him," O'Donnell said on MSNBC, as host Nicolle Wallace discussed Trump's threats to have the military "close" the U.S.-Mexico border amid reports a massive migrant caravan is en route to the area. For years, O'Donnell and Trump have partaken in a bitter, back-and-forth feud.
- A New Low? The Left Blames Trump for Khashoggi Killing
- Trump threatens to call US military to close southern border as 4,000-strong migrant caravan pushes north
September 2018 - 106 Total
- 2018_09_30_Sunday 7:25 AM - ABC News Correspondent: An 'All-Male Majority' of the Supreme Court Overturning Roe v. Wade 'Would Not Be Legitimate'
- 2018_09_28_Friday 9:32 AM - Sexual Assault Survivors Confront Jeff Flake On CNN: 'Don't Look Away From Me'
- 2018_09_28_Friday 9:33 AM - Political
- 2018_09_24_Monday 9:46 AM - Obama Snaps 'Pay Attention!' After People Apparently Won't Get off Phones
- 2018_09_24_Monday 9:56 AM - O Snaps!!
- 2018_09_24_Monday 10:29 AM - From Fox News - Deputy AG Rosenstein heading to White House expecting to be fired, sources say
- 2018_09_30_Sunday 10:38 AM - NYT Round-Up: ‘Fact-Check’ for Kavanaugh on Front Page, But No Scrutiny for Blasey Claims
- 2018_09_26_Wednesday 1:02 PM - New Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick details parties where girls allegedly were drugged and raped
- 2018_09_26_Wednesday 1:17 PM - A Third Woman Has Accused Brett Kavanaugh Of Sexual Misconduct, And Said He Was Present When She Was Gang-Raped
- 2018_09_25_Tuesday 2:31 PM - Republican Senators Hire A Woman To Question Christine Blasey Ford
- 2018_09_27_Thursday 3:11 PM - Political
- 2018_09_27_Thursday 3:12 PM - Political
- 2018_09_27_Thursday 3:13 PM - Political
- 2018_09_25_Tuesday 6:45 PM - Republicans hire sex-crimes prosecutor to question Ford, schedule Friday vote on Kavanaugh
- 2018_09_23_Sunday 6:51 PM - Shapiro
- 2018_09_23_Sunday 6:53 PM - Political
- 2018_09_27_Thursday 7:11 PM -
- 2018_09_25_Tuesday 7:11 PM - Article: UN audience literally bursts out laughing at Trump’s speech
- 2018_09_23_Sunday 7:19 PM - From Fox News - College classmate says Kavanaugh exposed himself to her at Yale party
- 2018_09_23_Sunday 7:54 PM - Second Woman Accuses Brett Kavanaugh Of Sexual Misconduct In New Yorker Bombshell
- 2018_09_26_Wednesday 8:30 PM - Political
- Hannity: 1991 Joe Biden Tape Destroys Dems' Calls for FBI Probe of Kavanaugh
- The Republican Senate Must Confirm Kavanaugh or Democrats Will Do Even Worse
- Next: The Resistance Over Kavanaugh Will Get Violent
- Mitch McConnell Discovers His Spine
- The Reaction to Martha McCallum's Kavanaugh Interview Speaks Volumes
- Here's Why Reporters Are So Quick to Believe Kavanaugh's Accusers
- New York Times Outs Kavanaugh's Latest Victim. Only She Denies It.
- It's Time To Confirm Brett Kavanaugh
- Kavanaugh to Break Silence Tonight at 7pm ET on 'The Story' with Martha McCallum
- I Wouldn't Blame Him
- A Sexual Assault Victim's Take On The Kavanaugh Accusations.
- Leftists: Why Do You Believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford?
- Kavanaugh and a Societal Ill
- Burning It All Down
- Further Evidence the Ford and Ramirez Attacks Are Jointly Coordinated Attacks
- New York Times Refused to Run the Latest Kavanaugh Accuser's Story
- If the Republican Senate Won't Stand Up to the Mob, What Good Are They?
- Fight!
- Another Democrat Claims Kavanaugh Did Something Bad and No One Else Remembers
- Ten Things to Know About the Latest Accusation Against Brett Kavanaugh
- Surprising, Overlooked Detail About the Five Witnesses in the Kavanaugh Matter
- Second Woman Accuses Brett Kavanaugh Of Sexual Misconduct In New Yorker Bombshell
- George W. Bush Doubles Down on Kavanaugh in Wake of Allegations - 'We Stand by Our Comments'
- Mazie Hirono Took Money From Democrat Who Admitted to Hitting Wife
- Bert And Ernie Are A Gay Couple, Says Former 'Sesame Street' Writer
- Republicans Consider Using Female Staffers To Question Christine Blasey Ford
- Grassley suggests last-minute Kavanaugh hearing could be canceled if accuser doesn’t accept invite
- Bernie Sanders: America Starves and Bombs Little Children
- Here Is What Brett Kavanaugh Said About Sexual Misconduct In His Hearings
- Jeff Flake Suggests Delaying Kavanaugh Vote Amid Sexual Assault Allegations
- Brett Kavanaugh Accuser Willing To Testify Before Senate Judiciary Committee: Lawyer
- Accuser's story of attack roils plan for Kavanaugh vote
- The Senate GOP Should Not Treat the Kavanaugh Accusation As Credible
- We Need a 'Have You No Sense of Decency?' Moment That Transcends Party Politics
- The Lesson For Republicans Moving Forward Post Kavanaugh
- Meet the Accuser in Private, If At All.
- If I Were On Brett Kavanaugh's Legal Team, Here's What I Would Advise
- Thomas the Tank Engine
- Emboldened by the Alex Jones Mess, The Left is Trying to Deplatform Dana Loesch
- Obama 2012 Campaign Manager: Embracing Socialist Label Is ‘Harmful to Democrats’
- Kamala Harris Tweets Out Deceptively Edited Video to Smear Brett Kavanaugh BY: Alex Griswold September 8, 2018 9:39 am
- This Could Be the Predicate Act for the Democrats' Impeachment Inquiry
- Dems' Hit Kavanaugh With Some of Dumbest Attacks Ever - The Democrats are getting desperate. First they tried to use Cohen to delay. Now they've resorted to some of the dumbest attacks we've ever seen. You know what that means? They're terrified. Good.
- White House: Call New York Times Opinion Desk for Identity of 'Anonymous Coward' Op-Ed Writer
- Pro Single-Payer, Abolish ICE, Impeach Trump Democrat Unseats 20-Year Incumbent
- Rep. Smith: If Dems. Take House, It’s ‘Amnesty Number One, Number Two, and Number Three’
- Durbin Tells Kavanaugh He Should Pause His Own Nomination Process
- Feinstein Incites Outrage After Apologizing to Kavanaugh for Hearing Disruptions
- Feinstein Clashes With Kavanaugh on Second Amendment
August 2018 - 40 Total
- The Elite: Where Gay Rights Trumps Stopping Child Abuse
- The High-Tech Lynch Mob Rides Again
- Dems Attack In-N-Out Burger for Donating to GOP. Instantly Blows Up in Their Faces
- MSNBC Anchors Call Pro-Life and Pro-2nd Amendment Voters ‘Selfish’
- Candace Owens Digs Up Old Obama Quote on Immigration That Goes Viral
- Video: Media’s Not Talking About Time Obama Used ‘Monkey’ Exact Same Way DeSantis Did
- Air-conditioning is sexist.
- The PC Police Squelch Science at Brown University
- Trump Revives Criticism Of Puerto Rico After Hurricane Maria Death Toll Jumps
- Democrats Just Confirmed Lots Of Trump's Judges So They Could Skip Town
- The Truth About Google's Biases Against Conservatives
- CNN and Brian Stelter Would Be All Over Fox If Fox Did This
- NASCAR Driver Loses Sponsorship Over His Dad’s Words
- Maybe the Best Ben Shapiro Answer Ever?
- MSNBC’s Ali Velshi Gets Basic Facts Wrong in Segment Called ‘How Impeachment Works’
- Can We All Just Be Honest Here For a Minute?
- Cohen's plea deal is prosecutor's attempt to set up Trump
- Free the animals on the Animal Cracker box!
- Flashback!!
- Governor Cuomo's Rhetorical Mistake By: Bill O'ReillyAugust 16, 2018
- Yes, America IS Great.But it's not going to STAY great if we stay on our current path.
- Okay. This is false. 12% of the Federal Budget goes to the Military and 60% goes to social programs, like Medicare. I think I have my numbers correct. Thus, this loon's response is illogical.
- FLASHBACK: Ocasio-Cortez Accused Primary Opponent of 'Avoiding a Debate'
- Shapiro vs. Cortez: What a Cat-tastrophe!
- Jealous Erupts at Reporter Over Whether He Identifies as Socialist: ‘Are You F***ing Kidding Me?’
- Rick Gates testifies he and Manafort conspired to commit fraud
July 2018 - 47 Total
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is The Flaky Future of the Democratic Party
- Hollywood Will Tolerate No Tolerance (or Tweets)
- 'Settle Down!': Tucker, CA Dem Clash Over 'Treason' Claims, Trump 'Betraying Our Country'
- What This CBS Reporter Caught on Film is Exactly Why America Needs The Wall Published 23 hours ago on July 17, 2018 By Michael Cantrell
- Obama Schools Democrats on Capitalism and Democracy
- Get the Popcorn: Dem Leaders Admit They Can’t Stop Kavanaugh
- Grotesque: Jimmy Carter Claims Jesus Would Approve of Aborting Innocent Children
- Scandal!! Brett Kavanaugh Charged Baseball Tickets to His Credit Card
- Obviously, The Wrong Word can Get you Relieved of Your Job
- Stormy Daniels arrested while performing at strip club, Avenatti says
- Fireworks at Strzok hearing as GOP reps fume at anti-Trump FBI agent, threaten contempt
- The Hunt For ‘Every Trump Reporter’s White Whale’: The Elevator Tape
- Trump Calls His Theresa May Brexit Criticism 'Fake News'
- Marvel Announces 2 Openly Gay Heroes Coming to Movie Screens Soon
- Chuck Schumer’s Brazen Fable About Nominees and Supreme Court Precedents By Thomas Jipping July 11, 2018 at 9:45am
- Chuck Schumer’s Brazen Fable About Nominees and Supreme Court Precedents Thomas Jipping / July 10, 2018
- Media Reports Racist Brick Attack on Hispanic Man, Buries Race of Attacker By Benjamin Arie July 11, 2018 at 12:32pm
- Why Is This Happening? How prosecutors can help end mass incarceration, with Larry Krasner: podcast & transcript Chris Hayes and Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner talk about mass incarceration and the role prosecutors play in the criminal justice system. Jul.10.2018 / 5:06 AM ET
- The Real Losers from Last Night’s Supreme Court Pick
- LOOK: Students Outraged Over Trump's Unannounced SCOTUS Nominee
- Democrats Do The Supreme Court Twist - Democrats who demanded vote on Garland want to delay vote on Kennedy replacement
- ‘Abolish ICE’ is a gift to Republicans
- The Left Want to Abolish ICE. What Does That Mean? Analysis: Calls for ending agency come with few proposed fixes
- Bernie Sanders Calls To Abolish Immigration System, Restructure ICE - The senator had sidestepped previous questions about the issue.
- 10 legal experts on the future of Roe v. Wade after Kennedy His decision to retire could lead to more “incremental” attacks against the landmark decision. By Li Jul 2, 2018, 7:00am EDT
- FLASHBACK: Chris Matthews Stumps Key Democrats When He Asks The Difference Between a Socialist and a Democrat
- Rachel Held Evans: Think Twice about Overturning Roe – We’d Have More Blacks
June 2018 - 44 Total
- So We’re Clear: Pro-Lifers DID Speak Out About the Border Policy
- The Crying Kid on the Cover of Time Was Never Separated From Her Mother
- Father of the now famous photo of the little girl crying says his wife/child were never separated at any time by authorities, that his wife was seeking a job (not fleeing violence), and that he is upset w/ her for taking his child on the dangerous journey
- Watch: Reporter Learns It’s a Mistake to Ask Sarah About Children at Border
- Trump Defended Kim Jong Un's Record Of Human Rights Abuses After The Summit
- Crisis Pregnancy Centers Have Another Mission: Public School Sex Ed
- Breastfeeding Mother Says Officials Took Her Baby At Immigrant Detention Center
- If Obama Had Done This
- Mika Brzezinski: Trump Is Upset He Can’t Watch Porn at the White House
- MSNBC, NBC Anchors Push Back on Bill Clinton’s Attacks on Interview: ‘Baffling,’ Making ‘False Allegations’
- Graduation Gun Girl Issues Challenge to David Hogg for the Fate of the 2nd Amendment
- Why The Masterpiece Cakeshop Ruling Is Not Good For Conservatives
- The Supreme Court Ruled Against Fascism, Not Gay People
- Feds Spend $347,176 Studying If Sex Is Good With Contraception
- From the article: The University of Wisconsin-Madison study aims for more women to use birth control so they can "fully realize the social, economic, and health benefits" of not having children.
- Personally, I can think of better uses for $347,176, although, a bunch of WI-bred farmer's daughters has potential! <GRIN>!!!
- Hilarious: Bernie Takes on Mickey Mouse
- Asking Bill Clinton About Lewinsky is Proof the Media Pulled Their Punches
- Nancy Pelosi: Don’t Let That Job Fool You, You’re Still Doing Terrible
- Must-See Moments
- Samantha Bee Apologizes For Her Ivanka Trump Comments After Widespread Backlash
- Breaking News on the Last Day of May that I didn't have time to add to this page yesterday...
- Barack Obama Separated Kids From Parents at the Border Too
- NFL Says Stand for the Anthem, Guess Who Freaks Out
- Obama’s Education Secretary: Pull Kids Out of School Until Gun Laws Change
- Clinton on Election Loss to Trump: ‘I’m Not Over It’
- Warner: ‘More Should Have Been Done’ on Gun Violence When Democrats Controlled Congress
- Media Fuels ‘Fake News’ Criticism With Misleading Reports on Trump’s ‘Animals’ Comments BY: David Rutz May 17, 2018 11:04 am
- Hot Pockets, mismatched chairs and a critical mission: Inside year one of the Mueller investigation By Sara Murray , Evan Perez and Dana Bash , CNN/May 17, 2018
- The Danger in “This Is Us”
- Get The Fainting Couch! Brian Kemp's Teen Shotgun Hits The National Bulleye
- USA Today: Georgia gubernatorial candidate takes heat for ad where he points shotgun toward teen
- Teen Vogue: Republican Candidate Brian Kemp Points a Shotgun at a Teen in a Campaign Ad
- The Hill: Viewers complain to Georgia news station over pro-gun campaign ad
- HuffPo: Shocking Gun Ad By Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate Brian Kemp Backfires
- This is why we laugh...
- Remember Ken Bone? He Taught His Son Gun Safety. The School Suspended His Son.
- The walls are closing in on the White House, so she took massive umbrage at a totally fair question to paint herself as the victim of a sexism that doesn’t exist.
- … If there’s one thing conservatives hate about liberal America, it’s what they might call the grievance industry. The way everybody’s so sensitive these days. No one can take a joke. Everything’s an -ism. Sexism, racism, genderism, sizeism, you name it. Everybody’s feelings are so damn sensitive. People just need to get over it. Conservatives walk around in a state of perpetual rage about this. But the second they have a chance to use the grievance industry for their own purposes, they pounce. It’s an old trick they pull out of the hat when they’re desperate.
- Washington (CNN) — Sen. Elizabeth Warren called President Donald Trump's administration the "most corrupt administration ever" in an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper on Wednesday. Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat, leveled the accusation after Tapper asked her to comment...
- Memo: VA pick Jackson said to have crashed car while drunk
- To read more, see this page.
- HuffPo Reporter Appalled That Trump Court Pick Believes in Science
- Sorry Starbucks, $17 Million Can't Cure Generation Dysfunction
- People Are Losing Their Minds Over Starbucks By Kyle Smith April 18, 2018 6:19 PM
- You’ve heard of David Hogg. But the right has claimed another Parkland student as its own.
- Rubio Schools Cuban Reporter Who Repeats Leftist Attacks
- The Hannity News Was Big Because the Comey News Bombed. Plus, the Shocking Bit.
- DOJ IG releases explosive report that led to firing of ex-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe
- Planned Parenthood Fills Their Pants Over Another Pro-Life Trump Appointee
- An organization that kills children and wants an abortion Disney princess is worried about someone "out of touch."
- Dear David: Use Your Gap Year to Inform Your Opinions
- The Facebook Story is Horse Poop
- Damn, I loved reading Erick Erickson's words:
- You used Facebook. Facebook did not hire private investigators to go find your data. You gave it to them willingly. Not only did you use it. You used it for free. You put all that information in there. You decided to overshare. You decided to take stupid quizzes to find out which Disney Princess you are. Facebook did not make you do it. They did not hold a gun to your head. You did it and you did it willingly. Facebook is not a charity. They sold ads to you and used your personal data that you willingly submitted to help the best advertisers connect to you.
- Vehicle Attacks Show The Problem Is Human Nature, Not Guns
- The Agencies Key To Trump's Immigration Agenda Keep A Lot Of Secrets
- NYT Bias Showing in Front-Page Pic From WH Easter Egg Roll By Randy DeSoto April 3, 2018 at 12:42pm
- The Train Wreck That is David Hogg - We shouldn't attack him because he's simply a child, right?
- CNN Calls JFK’s Love Life ‘Legendary’
- Why Everybody Hates Christians and What Christians Should Do About It
- The Bully David Hogg is the Number One Ally of the Bully Donald Trump
- Tear Down Every Statue of Every President BY: Alex Griswold April 3, 2018 5:00 am
- The Virgin Ben
- NRA Takes Aim At ‘March For Our Lives' Rally, Mocks Gun Violence Survivors
- What It’s Like For School Shooting Survivors To Watch The Parkland Protests
- Steve King mocks Emma Gonzalez in response to March For Our Lives
- CNN’s Stelter Admits He Let David Hogg Get Away With Lies About Guns, NRA
- At Least A Dozen States Plan To Sue Over New Census Citizenship Question
- The snitches in your kids' dental office
- Shooting Straight on the Gun Controversy
- From the Corridor Business Journal:
Corbett sues to stay in gubernatorial race - After saying on Tuesday he would not contest a state panel's 2-1 decision to remove him from the Republican primary ballot, former Cedar Rapids Mayor Ron Corbett called a news conference Wednesday to announce a lawsuit he hopes will keep him in the race to unseat Gov. Kim Reynolds, reports Radio Iowa. "This is about being treated fairly and there's something just in my gut that tells me this isn't right," said the former House speaker, blasting "the Republican establishment" for challenging his paperwork. The State Objection Panel found that Mr. Corbett submitted 3,997 valid signatures on his nomination petition - eight short of the required number, reports the Des Moines Register. Arguing he's being penalized for his campaign's "over-diligence" in crossing off "legal and valid names," Mr. Corbett is seeking an expedited hearing. Ballots must be printed soon for early voting starting in May. - The Kevin Williamson Hire Is Another Reminder of Liberal Fascism
- Another Excuse to Avoid Blaming Hillary For Her Loss
- Trump hits 'Pelosi Democrats,' 'low-IQ' Maxine Waters, vows Republicans 'will keep the House' at NRCC dinner
- MSNBC Shows Hilariously Unnecessary Chart of Trump’s Tweets on Robert Mueller
- Will and Grace is Bad. Real Bad. And It Isn’t Helping the Left
- I was not a regular viewer of this show when it originally aired so I have no skin in the game.
- This Cambridge Analytica Data Story is a Nothingburger
- Justified, but Cruel
- From the article:
- The President had every reason to fire Andrew McCabe. He should have done it weeks ago, though. Now it's cruel ... Concurrently, I think firing McCabe now was unnecessarily cruel.
- That was my first impression - that it was terrible to fire him TWO DAYS before his retirement. It's insane to take away his retirement pension after x number of years of service TWO DAYS before retiring.
- Trump to seek death penalty for some drug traffickers in plan to fight opioid crisis
- The Trump White House's plan to fight the country's opioid crisis will include seeking the death penalty for drug traffickers "where appropriate under the law," officials said on Sunday.
- HILLARY: I 'MEANT NO DISRESPECT': Hillary Clinton attempted to explain her comments about American voters and the 2016 election during a recent trip to India in a lengthy Facebook post that claimed she "meant no disrespect to any individual or group." ... Clinton told attendees at a conference in Mumbai that Americans did not "deserve" a Trump presidency, said she won the states "that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward," and said that Trump's campaign was "looking backwards." Clinton summed up Trump's message as "you know, you didn't like black people getting rights, you don't like women, you know, getting jobs. You don't want, you know, to see that Indian American succeeding more than you are." In her Facebook message, Clinton said she understood the uproar over her comments, but she did not back away from them. "I understand how some of what I said upset people and can be misinterpreted," she wrote. "I meant no disrespect to any individual or group. And I want to look to the future as much as anybody."
- Steve Hilton: Hillary Clinton’s ‘Deplorables 2’ moment and why it matters for America’s future
- Fox News Sunday Interview: Durbin says 'friend' Hillary Clinton's comments about American voters 'wrong'
- Sunday Morning Futures Interview: Goodlatte: House GOP will subpoena FBI for missing Hillary Clinton documents
- Liberals say immigration enforcement is racist, but the group most likely to benefit from it is black men By Dave Seminara Mar 16, 2018 | 4:15 AM
- Conor Lamb's Win is Good News for the Second Amendment
- Because, you know, Democrats are pro-life?
- This definitely does not look good. I know some might spin the display to explain how people left for personal reasons or what-have-you, but, really, if you get a job at the White House, that's likely to be a career peak. The graphic shows 54 people have left. What I would be curious to know is how many total employees are there at the White House? If there are 422 employees, that means 12.79% of the staff left.
- Let's Reduce Drunk Driving By Taking Cars Away from Sober Drivers
- Sanders & Shapiro
- What in the actual hell?!?
- There Was Always a Lack of Evidence for Trump-Russia Collusion
- Hillary Clinton Really Hates the American Heartland
- Congressional Republicans Need Testicular
- Fight for Flippy
- Unstable and Unpredictable by Erick Erickson
- Actress Bravely Takes on Military-Industrial Complex
- Video: Feinstein Giddy Over Trump's Support For Her Gun Ban Bill
- The Missing Republican Agenda - President Trump takes center stage as Congress moves to the background BY: Matthew Continetti March 2, 2018 5:00 am
- Obama not embarrassed by his scandals but he should be
- MSNBC: AR-15s Unstoppable Because Revolvers Have Slow Bullets...What??
- American Press Bias Out of Control By: Bill O'ReillyFebruary 27, 2018
- Media, Gun Control Groups Exaggerate NRA Donations to Republicans - Attacks on NRA conflate independent expenditures and donations - BY: Joe Schoffstall February 27, 2018 5:00 am
- At first, this didn't seem fair: - Transgender boy wins girls' state wrestling title for second time
- Then I read this:
- Beggs is in the process of transitioning from female to male and taking a low-dose of testosterone.
- It was his steroid therapy treatments while wrestling girls that stirred a fierce debate about competitive fairness and transgender rights last season.
- It’s been a lot quieter since last year when his march to a state championship was dogged by a last-minute lawsuit that tried to stop him.
- Beggs had asked to wrestle in the boys’ division, but the rules for Texas public high schools require athletes to compete under the gender on their birth certificate.
- Now my question is simply, "How is taking steroids allowed to compete?"
- Sanders Blames Clinton for Not Informing People About Russian Meddling: They Had More Information About This Than We Did
- The Adults Failed Us. Government Failed Us. Gun Laws Did Not Fail Us.
- Gun Reform: Speaking Truth to Bullshit, Practicing Civility, and Effecting Change | Brené Brown
- Parkland Kids Travel To Tallahassee To See Legislators Refuse To Consider Assault Weapons Ban | Crooks and Liars
- Environmentalists Say They're Averting Climate Disaster. Conservatives Say It's Terrorism.
- Vile Attack
- Pay a tollI said that you should pay a toll when you get on the interstate highway YEARS ago....
- Change trump's password
- MSNBC Guest Labels White Evangelical America as Supporters of Pedophilia and Molestation
- Senate to hold rare open debate on immigration
- Trump budget aims to jump-start construction, cut red tape
- The Media Is Right To Praise North Korea
- LeftWing Christians to Rally Against RightWing Christians. Jesus Wept
- Job One At Fox News: Keep Audience Distracted From Trump Crimes | Crooks and Liars
- Holtzclaw update: Parole hearing, secret hearings, and conflicts galore
- No. This is Unacceptable. Conservatives in Congress must absolutely vote no on this.
- Pelosi to oppose sweeping budget deal over lack of protections for DREAMers
- Colts player Edwin Jackson killed by suspected drunk unlicensed driver with ICE retainer
- Pro-Life Groups Target ‘Extreme’ Red State Dems - Campaigns launched against Democrats who voted against 20-Week Ban BY: Bill McMorris February 4, 2018 5:00 am
- Democrats Who Don’t Want the Government to Shut Down Vote to Shut Down the Government BY: Andrew Kugle February 5, 2018 5:00 am
- Liberal Outrage Prompts Washington Post to Change Front Page Headline for State of the Union By Jonathan Pincus January 31, 2018 at 9:10am
- Tucker Carlson
- "Dreamers" vs. demons
- THE LEAD STORY - A 'NEW AMERICAN MOMENT' UNDER TRUMP: President Trump appealed for common ground in the immigration debate at his first State of the Union address Tuesday night, while holding firm on his demands for border security and using the grand setting to tout his economic accomplishments and declare, "there's never been a better time to start living the American dream" ... At a critical time when the political divide over immigration has held up essential government funding, the president called to put politics aside and "get the job done." "Tonight, I am extending an open hand to work with members of both parties -- Democrats and Republicans -- to protect our citizens of every background, color, religion, and creed," he said. It remains unclear whether Democrats are ready to make a deal on immigration, but the issue could hang over a looming Feb. 8 deadline to pass a new spending bill.
- Schoen: Trump's State of the Union was optimistic and a nod toward compromise. Now both parties must man up
- Peek: Trump's State of the Union delivered more drama, passion, patriotism than his Hollywood critics have all year
- Trump plugs massive $1.5 trillion infrastructure overhaul
- Trump honors parents of MS-13 victims
- Otto Warmbier's parents recognized in emotional moment
- Sen. James Inhofe: Trump keeps Guantanamo open, keeps America safe
- 'They Don't Cheer for America': Dems Called Out for Sitting, Refusing to Applaud at SOTU
- South Carolina Republican Trey Gowdy, a key member of the House Intelligence and Oversight committees, said Wednesday he will leave Congress at the end of this term. The four-term congressman said he does not intend to seek another elected office. Gowdy released a statement on his decision, which stated in part: "Words cannot adequately express my gratitude to the people of South Carolina for the privilege of representing them in the House of Representatives. The Upstate of South Carolina has an incredible depth and breadth of assets including numerous women and men capable of representing us. I will always be grateful for the opportunity to serve in the People's House and—prior to Congress—to advocate on behalf of justice in our court systems. "I will not be filing for re-election to Congress nor seeking any other political or elected office; instead I will be returning to the justice system. Whatever skills I may have are better utilized in a courtroom than in Congress, and I enjoy our justice system more than our political system. As I look back on my career, it is the jobs that both seek and reward fairness that are most rewarding." This is a developing story. Check back for updates. More
- POLITICS 01/30/2018 10:16 pm ET Updated 7 hours ago The Congressional Black Caucus Wasn’t Having It When Trump Mentioned Black Unemployment Members didn’t clap. They didn’t emote. They sat there and gave Trump a blank stare. By Julia Craven
- POLITICS 01/31/2018 03:53 am ET Donald Trump Got Clap-Happy During The State Of The Union, And Twitter Noticed “Why is Trump clapping for himself? It’s almost like he’s a narcissist or something.” By Lee Moran
- POLITICS 01/30/2018 10:32 pm ET Updated 8 hours ago - The Hidden Extremism Of Trump’s State Of The Union - The most important part of Trump’s State of the Union address is what he didn’t say. - By Nick Baumann, Amanda Terkel, and Jessica Schulberg
- Sunday night's Grammy Awards dove less into politics and activism compared to the Golden Globes earlier this month, but in one pre-taped skit, the show plunged right into the, well, fire and fury.
- The Year of the Headless Liberal Chicken by CJ Hopkins - published on 12/08/2017
- Government flubs State of the Union tickets with major typo By Karma Allen Jan 30, 2018, 2:09 AM ET
- If Pelosi brings 'Dreamers' to the State of the Union, Trump should bring ICE agents
- Hollywood Liberals To Offer Alternative State of the Union
- Fox Uses Murder Of Teenage Boy To Paint Half Of DACA Recipients As Criminals By Heather 1/28/18 6:00pm
- Tronc Is Building A Shadow Newsroom Full Of Scabs, L.A. Times Staffers Fear A mysterious new management team appears to be quietly building a non-union network. By Ashley Feinberg, Dave Jamieson, and Matt Ferner 01/26/2018 07:53 pm ET
- The President's Immigration Compromise is Reasonable and Supportable by Erick Erickson
- The Gun Control Debate Is On Hiatus by Erick Erickson
- A comment under the above story said this:
- Had the same thought. I could only come up with three reasons the story vanished from the headlines:
- Kentucky is one of those states the left must google to find on a map
- The shooter is 15 years old and obviously came by the gun illegally and the left has finally figured out, despite their best efforts, America has the intelligence to figure these things out on our own
- Like you said, the liberal media has decided to lay low on these incidents until they have control of Congress. That wouldn't be collusion, would it?
- My thoughts and prayers for the families of the victims, and the family of the 15 year old shooter.
- The FBI Cover-Up Of Hillary Crimes Deepens by Jeff Dunetz | Jan 22, 2018
- California Considers Fines, Jail Time for Waiters Giving Out Soda Straws By Stephen Green Jan-25-2018
- Home Schooling Is Not a Crime by: Michelle Malkin January 24, 2018
- Why Not *Literally* Sign Larry Nassar’s ‘Death Warrant’? BY: Sonny Bunch January 24, 2018 2:21 pm
- The Problem for the GOP
- The Problem for the Democrats
- And it's a Government Shutdown!!!
- It's funny that the Huffington Post published the article above because I listened to Ben Shapiro talk about how the Democrats hate America and are unhappy when the economy is doing well!
- The Highly-Anticipated 2017 Fake News Awards
- I wish there would have been a direct link to each of the stories listed or, at the very least, a note that explained "the fake news story was removed" as that would be what I would have done.
- What if Trump had said dung heap?
- Tucker Carlson On #MeToo Movement: Men Are 'Pretty Close To Being Destroyed'
- President Trump's doctor visit went well so of course there's discontent.
- White House doctor peppered with questions as reporters hunt for evidence of a Trump illness
- Dr. Manny Alvarez: Trump's healthy as a horse, America (whether you like it or not)
- Liberal media embarrass themselves over Trump's clean bill of health, insinuate he's mentally ill
- This is not exactly political, but since Oprah Winfrey (OW) made her politically charged statements on Sunday, January 7, 2018, in which she talked about the #MeToo movement, I guess it is political? I'm not really interested in a lot of rich celebrities pointing fingers at everyone but themselves in bitching about the problem of sexual harassment. I can also say that Seal, a pop singer (?), posted pictures of OW with Harvey Weinstein (HW), who is accused of a bazillion and one sexual assault incidents, so it appears she either didn't know about HW or she didn't care about HW until it was politically okay to do so. I don't really care. I just found this article interesting enough to include on this page.
- Five Women Accuse James Franco Of Inappropriate Or Sexually Coercive Behavior
- Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries in Oval Office meeting
- Why Tucker Carlson is (finally) blasting President Trump
- While not exactly political, the above video has already had repercussions:
- Oprah for President in 2020?
- There Is So Much Wrong in Michael Wolff's Book That It's Totally True
- Juan Williams: GOP establishment using Trump for its own ends
- We Found The Neo-Nazi Twitter Account Tied To A Virginia Double Homicide
- I Think the President Would Be More Popular If He Tweeted Less
- Donald Trump, Jr. Is Absolutely Right on This
- 'He's a Liar: Memphis Mayor Shreds Todd Starnes For Crusade to Save Confederate Statues
- Why Progressives Shouldn't Assume Republicans Will 'Move On' From ACA Repeal
May 2018 - 16 Total - Explanation? Was offline from Friday, May 4 - Monday, May 14 - and upon returning, keeping this page updated was a lower priority. Perhaps June 2018 will be "better" and have more links / videos / pictures?
April 2018 - 32 Total
March 2018 - 44 Total
February 2018 - 47 Total
January 2018 - 53 Total
Bottom of the page
Special Section - Oprah's Speech Transcript
"Thank you, Reese. In 1964, I was a little girl sitting on the linoleum floor of my mother's house in Milwaukee watching Anne Bancroft present the Oscar for best actor at the 36th academy awards. She opened the envelope and said five words that literally made history:"The winner is Sidney Poitier. Up to the stage came the most elegant man I ever remembered. His tie was white, his skin was black -- and he was being celebrated. I'd never seen a black man being celebrated like that. I tried many, many times to explain what a moment like that means to a little girl, a kid watching from the cheap seats as my mom came through the door bone tired from cleaning other people's houses. But all I can do is quote and say that the explanation in Sidney's performance in Lilies of the Field: Amen, amen, amen, amen. In 1982, Sidney received the Cecil B. DeMille award right here at the Golden Globes and it is not lost on me that at this moment, there are some little girls watching as I become the first black woman to be given this same award. It is an honor -- it is an honor and it is a privilege to share the evening with all of them and also with the incredible men and women who have inspired me, who challenged me, who sustained me and made my journey to this stage possible. Dennis Swanson who took a chance on me for A.M. Chicago. Saw me on the show and said to Steven Spielberg, she's Sophia in The Color Purple. Gayle who's been a friend and Stedman who's been my rock. I want to thank the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. We know the press is under siege these days. We also know it's the insatiable dedication to uncovering the absolute truth that keeps us from turning a blind eye to corruption and to injustice. To -- to tyrants and victims, and secrets and lies. I want to say that I value the press more than ever before as we try to navigate these complicated times, which brings me to this. What I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have. And I'm especially proud and inspired by all the women who have felt strong enough and empowered enough to speak up and share their personal stories. Each of us in this room are celebrated because of the stories that we tell, and this year we became the story. But it's not just a story affecting the entertainment industry. It's one that transcends any culture, geography, race, religion, politics, or workplace. So I want tonight to express gratitude to all the women who have endured years of abuse and assault because they, like my mother, had children to feed and bills to pay and dreams to pursue. They're the women whose names we'll never know. They are domestic workers and farm workers. They are working in factories and they work in restaurants and they're in academia, engineering, medicine, and science. They're part of the world of tech and politics and business. They're our athletes in the olympics and they're our soldiers in the military. And there's someone else, Recy Taylor, a name I know and I think you should know, too. In 1944, Recy Taylor was a young wife and mother walking home from a church service she'd attended in Abbeville, Alabama, when she was abducted by six armed white men, raped, and left blindfolded by the side of the road coming home from church. They threatened to kill her if she ever told anyone, but her story was reported to the NAACP where a young worker by the name of Rosa Parks became the lead investigator on her case and together they sought justice. But justice wasn't an option in the era of Jim Crow. The men who tried to destroy her were never persecuted. Recy Taylor died ten days ago, just shy of her 98th birthday. She lived as we all have lived, too many years in a culture broken by brutally powerful men. For too long, women have not been heard or believed if they dare speak the truth to the power of those men. But their time is up. Their time is up. Their time is up. And I just hope -- I just hope that Recy Taylor died knowing that her truth, like the truth of so many other women who were tormented in those years, and even now tormented, goes marching on. It was somewhere in Rosa Parks' heart almost 11 years later, when she made the decision to stay seated on that bus in Montgomery, and it's here with every woman who chooses to say, "Me too." And every man -- every man who chooses to listen. In my career, what I've always tried my best to do, whether on television or through film, is to say something about how men and women really behave. To say how we experience shame, how we love and how we rage, how we fail, how we retreat, persevere, and how we overcome. I've interviewed and portrayed people who've withstood some of the ugliest things life can throw at you, but the one quality all of them seem to share is an ability to maintain hope for a brighter morning, even during our darkest nights. So I want all the girls watching here, now, to know that a new day is on the horizon! And when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women, many of whom are right here in this room tonight, and some pretty phenomenal men, fighting hard to make sure that they become the leaders who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say "Me too" again."
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