Sunday, April 5, 2009

43, not 52

Definition 1: Project Plum is a project that is converting our existing systems to a new programming language. There will be massive changes to the UI and I will have to document it all.

Definition 2: Project Peach is a project that is converting HTML files from using tables to control layout to using CSS to control layout. I have 595 files left to convert.

I thought I had surpassed the magic number 52. That number would represent the number of weeks of work that is either already on my desk or soon to be coming. My project list (or Bucket List, if you will) was @ 49 weeks. I was all excited because when you add the following four projects:
  • project Plum
  • project Pear
  • project Orange
  • project Peach

to 49, you get 53 weeks of work - so I would have a year of work on my plate.

Now, here's the bad news. My count of 49 weeks was not entirely accurate because last week and the week in front of that, I managed to chop off some projects as being done. I actually had no idea how much work was sitting on my desk.

Until now.

I just figured out that I actually only (LOL) have 43 weeks of work as a current count of weeks of work ahead of me. That takes me to the last week of January 2010. I know, for a fact, that I will not be able to work on that work for the next 43 weeks stragight.

I will have multiple GUI changes to develop, update CDs to create, and many other projects that haven't even been conceived as of right now. There will be constant doc changes due to the Plum, Pear, Peach, and Orange projects.

So, it's a mixed bag. On one hand, I have less work than I thought I did. On the other hand, though, the work I have would take me into 2010 only if I were actually doing only doc work between now and January 2010, which is not the case.

Here's something else. I played drums @ Mass last night. We sounded good. I will not play again until 4/18 and then, after that, not until Memorial Day weekend. How crazy is that because I am not planning to play Mother's Day weekend.

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