Friday, September 2, 2022

Is this the Future?

I noticed on a page providing details about the NextCloud team, the city the employee lives in is included in the employee's bio - see for yourself:

Of course, I have several competing instincts: 

  1. I think about whether it's safe for the employee to include their city in their bio. People are told to not post pictures of their kids on Facebook with their home address or dorm room number in the background because of potentially giving bad actors access to their physical location. 
  2. I realize how spread out employees can be to do their work. In my cbuilding, to the right of my cubicle, there is a section with 9 cubicles - only 1 is used daily - the other 8 employees are all working remotely. Ahead of my cubicle, my co-worker comes in to the building once a week. Behind my cubicle, my co-worker comes in to the building twice a week. To my left, there are 6 cubicles. One co-worker comes in to the building once a week, one co-worker comes in five times a week, and one co-worker comes in to the building twice a week. There is another co-worker who comes in to the building five times a week and another co-worker who works 100% remotely. 
  3. I wonder which of the employees on that page write the user documentation and if they would be interested in hiring a remote employee to maintain their user documentation ... from Iowa, USA.

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