Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's only Going to Get Worse...

This month, I have been hit hard by the requirements of life. I have found myself tired at the end of the day and not having any desire to sit in front of a PC. It's a different style of living. I would never have thought I would be content to fall asleep on the couch, watching TV, instead of writing or surfing the Internet. I seriously question whether this hobby is something that I will continue. I know part of me enjoys being busy. Every night this month, except for the other nights in Feb I have posted, there has been things going on. We've had band concerts, in-laws visit, and basketball games. There is always something going on. And I expect it to only get worse in the next few weeks. March is already filling up, though after the first week, Alex's basketball season will end. Then there will be a short break from sports until the North Liberty Baseball season begins. I expect Spring Field Clean-Up day to be the weekend after Easter and then to continue with weekly games and practices until June. It makes a lot of busy families have even more on their plate. This is Megan's next-to-final year of playing softball. She will be entering 8th grade in 2011 and then West as a freshman in 2012. Then sophomore in 2013, junior in 2014 and graduating in 2015. Crazy.

At least I'm not a bird in Washington DC:

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