Sunday, February 28, 2010

More Skins being Slayed

Buddy Rich died when I was in high school. I remember not really understanding who he was as a drummer. I purchased some of his recordings and was in awe. Our band instructor dismissed Rich. I vividly remember him telling me that he must have died from a drug overdose. I don't think I've heard as insensitive of a remark about a person's death since that day. What an ass. I've seen a now-deleted video of Buddy Rich playing a drum duet with Louie Bellson. Buddy Rich played a Slingerland set and Louie Bellson played a double kick set.

I met Louie Bellson. My friend Serbi and I went to go see him. He played at Kirkwood Community College with their jazz band and man, the guy had chops. I don't know where modern drummers fit in with these old cats.

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