Friday, May 27, 2011

Letting Go

Today is about letting go. Alex graduated from 6th grade @ Regina. Letting go means saying goodbye to friends and classmates. It means knowing that no matter what is said or done, life is going to be different. It means not going swimming when your friend forgot his swimming suit. It means eating pizza and cake and shooting baskets and pool. It means smiling.

It means life is forever never going to be the way it was.

This also applies to my life. Since I left the employer where I was for 12 years, life has not been the same. Friends I had there are still important to me. We met for pizza and talked for one hour. It was the first time in 6 months. I look forward to always having the three I ate with as my friends.

At the same time, I am moving forward.

Editor's Note: Who were the three other friends you ate lunch with?

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