Thursday, January 3, 2019

What To Do?

This article is worth reading: What Can a Christian Do When Up is Down, Right is Wrong, and Boys are Girls?. At the bottom of the article are these comments, which are also worth reading:


Well Peterheck, you nailed it better than I have ever seen you do in the complete article. We are getting closer to that day and the opening of the first seal. Get ready Christians, He is getting this world ready and as Christians, we know His Word that shows us what is really happening.


It seems there has been a shift in how we as a society views morality...where we get our moral code. In the past, our social moral code was something that we got from outside ourselves. Our higher power if you will. In the US it was rooted in the 10 commandments and reflected our deep judeo christian roots. People certainly fell short of the code, but it was there none the less.

Now it seems our social moral code now comes from within ourselves. We each decide what is right and wrong for ourselves and how dare anyone else question that. We have replaced THE truth with our truth.

We see the implications of this all around us. For instance, there used to be rules for what is a marriage. Two people, one female, not married to other people. When you remove one of the underpinnings of this....say two men can now be married, it becomes so much simpler to remove the rest of the underpinnings. We are seeing the removal of these long held moral social underpinnings.

It boils down to pride. I love this line from the movie "The Devil's Advocate" from Al Pacino's depiction of the devil....

You sharpen the human appetite to the point where it can split atoms with its desire; you build egos the size of cathedrals; fiber-optically connect the world to every eager impulse; grease even the dullest dreams with these dollar-green, gold-plated fantasies, until every human becomes an aspiring emperor, becomes his own God... and where can you go from there?...

Pride....I think its the devil's favorite gets em everytime.

It made me realize I have never seen the movie "The Devil's Advocate."

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