Saturday, January 7, 2012

Pet Peeve

So here's the deal. I think that if you have a blog, you should write frequently. If you do not have anything to say, you should not have a blog. You should just give it up. I hate *HATE* going to a blog that hasn't been updated for a year or even more. The worst part is when you read an engaging entry. There was one blog I'm thinking of. It started out talking about how 6 months ago, she was engaged and now, she is single and not even speaking to him anymore. That was the ultimate cliffhanger and written months ago - like August 2011. And no updates since then.


What the hell.

The people that make TV shows and movies are always giving us pseudo-cliffhangers. There's always a "is the story over or could they make a sequel" and sometimes you know it's coming before it arrives.

So, even though I have not posted since 1/1, I have been thinking about posting. I guess that counts for something, right? I have accumulated quite a few emails that I think would be excellent posts.

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