Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Full-Time Job, keeping up with Politics

Each day, the candidates of both parties are jabbing at each other. Last week's debate was round 1 and Romney came out ahead. Even MSNBC admitted as much. Since then, the Left has been trying to say, basically, "Yeah, our Savior looked weak but it was because of the altitude and such." When that excuse didn't hold water, it became, "Oh, Romney is going after Big Bird (PBS funding) and letting Wall Street run wild." He never said that, in what I read in the transcript of the debate. Now, because there doesn't seem to be any signs of Romney flubbing up, an AP photographer snaps this picture.

Predictably, Bill O'Reilly is calling for the photographer to be fired and for the AP to resist the urge to post photos like that in the future.

In the same way, this photograph shouldn't have been published either:

 Gee, I bet explaining that to his wife was a lot of fun...

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