Thursday, December 27, 2018

What is it about Simon?

What is it about Simon that is so difficult to get right?!? Today, I saw this:

Source: Ex- Ronnie James Dio Drummer Reveals Why He Stayed With Him For 14 Years By Feyyaz Ustaer - December 25, 2018

For as long as I can remember, I have always had a gold railroad spike on my desk at work. It used to belong to my Grandpa Leo, who passed away in 1976, when I was in kindergarten. I know that he worked for the railroad for many years. My presumption is that this gold railroad spike was given to him as some sort of recognition award - I like to think it was given to him on the day he retired, but, I don't really know if that is what happened or not. All I know is that his name was Leo Simons, not Leo Simmons, as shown below:
The significance of this gold railroad spike is two-fold.
  1. I don't own many things that Grandpa Leo owned.
  2. As a writer, it is a reminder that small details being missed are a big deal.

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