Monday, June 1, 2009

Farewell... for now

It's 12:27 AM, Monday, June 1, 2009. I just finished watching the season finale of "Breaking Bad." I like the show, but I'll be damned if I understand the direction it is heading. Walt's wife left him, Jesse is whacked out on drugs, and Jesse's girlfriend's father just made two planes crash into each other. I don't know what is going to happen in the next season, but I hope it is as powerful as the last 6-ish episodes I watched.
The reason I titled this post "Farewll for now" is that I am about to embark on what is called a "family vacation." We are driving to South Dakota and the Badlands. We are going to be gone from 6/3 - 6/9. When we get back, 6/10 will be spent doing laundry and packing the camper. Then we will leave for our first camping trip of 2009.
In the meantime, I am off work until 6/15. I think it is awesome to have 2 weeks off of work - a well-deserved break from the chaos I endure daily.
With that said, take it easy, play it safe, and be careful. I doubt there will be an update to this blog until... 6/10.

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