Thursday, May 14, 2020

Huge News!

The point of this post is that there is at least one company - Twitter - who is going to make working remotely a permanent opportunity: Twitter-Announces Employees Work-from Home Forever.

Why is that relevant to me? Today is Day 24 of working from home for me in my role as Senior Technical Writer. I started working from home after I learned that if I sat at my desk in the den instead of my cubicle, I would not need to wear a face shield. That idea caused me to move all of my stuff home on Good Friday (April 10) and start working in the den on Monday, April 13, 2020.

While there have been some bumps along the way, for the most part, I feel like I have a great situation. I also believe that if there is a requirement to wear a face shield at work, I don't want to sit at my desk and look through my glasses and then a face shield to see my monitor. Rather, I would like to sit here, in the den, and only wear my glasses.

I can't speak to the plan for when I will work at my desk at my building. I know that there are discussions as to what that looks like, but I won't speculate on the timeline for returning to my cubicle.
I will say that yesterday, I went into my building to retrieve additional papers that were in my file cabinet in my cubicle. I decided that when I return to my cubicle, I want to have a cubicle that appears as if it is brand-new. I know that I am a hoarder - that's why I still have spiral notebooks filled with all sorts of memories from over the last 30 years. In fact, the 30 year anniversary of writing in a journal was 5/23/2019. Last year, I counted that I had filled 20255 pages; before 5/23/2020, I will calculate an updated page count.

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