Monday, April 5, 2021

Heartbreaking Story

She's 14 months old and needs a drug that costs $2.1 million to save her life 

Editor's Note: I used the Idiots and Stupid People tags because that's what I think about the drug manufacturer, who has a drug that would save a littler girl's life, but the slant of the article from CNN is that the company is putting $ as a higher priority than a human life. In general, I consider myself a 'supply and demand' type of Capitalist, but I wonder where I draw the line. It feels like the CEO is being greedy by allowing this little girl to die when he has the drug at his disposal to help her. Again, I typically embrace Capitalism and the idea that if you have something a lot of people want, you can charge whatever price you want. Yet, if I were the CEO quoted in the article, I don't believe I would be sleeping well at night.

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