Monday, September 13, 2021

Being Christian

Posted to Facebook on September 13, 2013:

Comment about an article I read:
"The problem with people is that they think Christianity is a cult. It is not a cult for this reason. A cult forces people to believe. A person cannot be made a Christian. They have to want it. They have to want a personal relationship with God. As Christians we should not merely try to convince people with words. But to show them your faith or "best friend" relationship with Christ and how He has intervened in and made your life better. Explaining the daily miracles in your life to another. That is "witnessing". Christianity is so much more than just having faith. It's a daily walk with every stride trying to fill the footsteps set before us. It's countless trials and errors in attempt to " do the right thing". Yet knowing that we make mistakes. We are not sinless people. Unlike many idols people place their faith into. That idol cannot have a conversation. God on the other hand has to be in your heart. As He speaks to you through your conscience. This is my greatest analogy of my relationship with My God. We ride a tandem bicycle. "He's says turn right, turn right. I want to go left. He says pedal faster". My only job is to be quiet and listen for his next lead."

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