Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Yes - Make SW Movies

From Why ‘Star Wars’ Still Needs Movies By Ben Lindbergh Feb 11, 2022, 10:04am EST:
With the first season of ‘The Book of Boba Fett’ wrapped, expect a slew of additional TV ‘Star Wars’ adventures to hit Disney+ soon. But the best way for the franchise to move forward is to head back to the big screen too.

To be clear, I want to see more movies about the Star Wars Universe (SWU) only if the stories need to be told to make fans understand how the stories we have already seen fit into the larger context of the SWU. For example, I would like to see a Star Wars movie that takes place at the same time as the original trilogy where, perhaps, the characters I have loved since 1977, are seen from a distance. I wouldn't expect Han Solo, Chewbacca, Luke, or Leia to interact with the main characters of the story in a new movie, but perhaps, off in the distance, you see the stormtroopers stop the landspeeder with Luke, Ben, C-3PO and R2D2 in Mos Eiseley - something like that. The new movie could introduce the idea that the original trilogy actions were happening in parallel with this other new trilogy.

The SWU has done this in the past. In Rogue One, the characters we met in the movie are walking down a crowded street and bump into the Doctor and alien that threaten Luke Skywalker in the cantina on Tattooine. In Attack of the Clones, if you look very carefully, it looks like the Millenium Falcon is landing below the main "action" taking place in "Attack of the Clones." A final example is the book called "From a Certain Point of View" which tells stories from the perspective of characters in the original movie that are not told in the movie, such as a story about the bartender in the cantina on Tattooine - which reveals why he doesn't like droids. All of these examples are interwoven into what we know about the many worlds and characters we see in the SWU. My proposal is to create new characters that are not seen in the movies or TV shows or mentioned in any comic book or novel which would integrate into what is known.

Perhaps a good example of what I am thinking about has to do with the way, in Avengers: Endgame, we learn that The Hulk took the stairs after capturing Loki after what we see in The Avengers. I'm not saying these new SWU movies have to have time travel - I'm saying what we know about the MCU was expanded in a movie that was released after The Avengers. The same idea could be done in the SWU, though A New Hope doesn't really open up a lot of options. The main avenue that could intersect the events in A New Hope and new characters would have to be Tattooine - there's not a lot of other worlds that survive - RIP Alderaan.

In The Empire Strikes Back, we see Hoth. Are there inhabitants of the frozen world? That premise could be explored.  What about Dagobah, where Yoda resides - is it only snakes, the mysterious creature that spits out R2D2 and Yoda that live on that entire planet? There's also Lando's domain - Bespin or Cloud City - and we see aliens and the inhabitants running as the Empire takes over the place - another opportunity exists there.

In The Return of the Jedi, we are back to Tattooine, and then it's off to Endor, where the Ewoks live. Are the Ewoks the only species on Endor?

These are just some of the ideas I have about this topic.

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