Tuesday, March 17, 2020


The video referenced in the Facebook post below is here:

Or go watch the clip on the website: Reporter Yamiche Alcindor reacts to Trump's 'nasty' comment

I encourage anyone reading this blog post to watch the clip.

I'm a coward. I lean to the Right and I lean more towards supporting President Trump.

I watched the clip.

That's now what people are going to point to as an example of Trump being nasty to someone?

It was a shit question that was asked just to make him look like shit.

And not once did he call the reporter "nasty" - he described the question as "nasty." Was it a nice question or one asked to embarrass him? What if he would have said, "I wish we wouldn't have done that?" Is that the answer the reporter wanted? 

It reminds me of when the moderator asked Sanders if he said women could not be elected, he said that he never said it, and the moderator then asks Warren how she felt when he said it. He said that the question was nasty, not her, because she was just trying to trap him.

I don't know how "nasty" is now racist but okay, whatever.

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