Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Just Quit Trying! - The answer to your marriage!

In a movie or in a TV show, Jim said to Charlie that Jim doesn't trust anyone who acts as though they have it "all figured out."

At this precise moment, I can't recall what movie or TV show Jim said that to Charlie - and I doubt that the two characters were named Jim and Charlie - I just needed a clever way to name two characters so that I could quote a movie or TV show that I can't recall the name of.

I could post it to Facebook to see if anyone else has seen whatever movie or TV show I'm thinking of... Hmmm.

Anyways, I mention this movie or TV show because when I read the subject of the email I received (and have pasted below), I immediately thought about those two characters because proclaiming to have "the answer to your marriage" is silly. The authors of the email below do not know every couple to whom they sent the email so to presume to have the answer is, well, off-putting and egotistical.

That was my initial impression anyways when I read the subject. It did prompt me to read the entire email so I grant the authors with an A for writing a compelling subject for their email.

That may sound like a contradiction or maybe an error in the message. But it isn’t. Couples spend years “Trying” often with little or no success. So many couples are worn out from the effort to create a passionate, dynamic and loving marriage – and give up because they don’t get anywhere.

So we say, QUIT TRYING.

When John approached us, he had all but given up. He was now in a sexless marriage, with little open communication or affection.

As a married couple, both Angela and John had given their marriage a lot of attention. But over the past 5 years, of an 11-year relationship, they were exhausted and now believed they could never have more.

The pain and hurt they experienced from each failed attempt, left them hopeless.

Have you felt that way – that a great marriage with love, passionate sex and affection, was unattainable?

That is simply not true.

But when you try over and over again, with the same efforts as before, and never move ahead, something is wrong with the process you’ve been in. That process included 3 different marriage counselors over the past 5 years.

Let me make it clear – we all have beliefs and life experiences that teach us lessons in living. But most don’t teach us how to truly love one another.

When we got on the phone with John, he made it clear – he didn’t want another failed attempt. We got his wife Angela on the phone – she sounded so frustrated. Here’s the kicker – they both loved each other but couldn’t get a feeling of being “In love” no matter how hard they tried.

We walked both of them through the possibilities – HUGE POSSIBILITIES. We explained how the right steps, focusing on re-working old belief tables and mindsets, would unlock the dark place they lived in and would move them to a passionate, exciting life together.

They were both willing to try – reluctantly – but willing. What shocked them was the progress they made in just 3 to 4 weeks. Sex returned. Empathy returned. Getaways were planned.

John said, “I can’t believe it, but I’m falling back in love with Angela all over again.”

Angela told us, “I look forward to time together and having sex – I can’t believe it.”

The right process means results.


You too can have a great marriage, filled with all the excitement and deep connection you’ve always wanted.

But you have to say yes and take action. You’ve been trying same old things – resulting in the same stuck place and lack of change – real change.

Let me say that again – YOU HAVE TO SAY YES. Whatever fears and hopeless feelings you have, DON’T LET THEM STOP YOU FROM TAKING ACTION.

We know the exact steps you need to take to get there – the exact steps to create the life and the marriage you long for. We have the steps to

REVOLUTIONIZE your marriage.

So take a life-changing stand. Stop trying the same things all over again.


All this got started watching our simple Webinar The Dream Marriage – Dream Life Secret. So take some action steps RIGHT NOW…

  1. If you haven’t seen the Webinar – the Dream Marriage – Dream Life Secret, go there first. At the end of the Webinar, you’ll have an opportunity to book a free call with us (Doug or Leslie). It’s a 60-minute call and we can discuss just what it means to turn the corner and experience the marriage you long for.
  2. If you have already seen the Webinar, click on the link below to book that call with us now -even if you haven’t seen the Webinar and just want to get on a call, go for it.
Don’t hesitate. Using the links below, either BOOK a call NOW or first WATCH our Master Class – THE DREAM MARRIAGE SECRET and then book your call. The webinar and the call are both free.

Don’t put off the help you need any longer. You deserve so much more. Don’t give up on your dream. It’s in reach. So take action.

Watch our Master Class – THE DREAM MARRIAGE SECRET by clicking the link or book a call with us!

With love and gratitude,

Doug & Leslie Gustafson
Authentic and True Coaching

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Our mailing address is:
Authentic and True Counseling and Coaching Services
9362 Teddy Ln Ste 202
Lone Tree, CO 80124-2871

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