Wednesday, June 24, 2020

You Need to Refocus

This is the text of a message I sent to my nephew who recently started playing drums. After I sent the message, I realized that it is also a message to myself except that instead of references to Motley Crue and Tommy Lee, I would have wrote about Metallica and Lars Ulrich

If you are serious about playing drums, it's not just about playing Crue tunes. You can only get so far with bashing the drums. If you want to truly be able to play the way Tommy Lee plays, you must spend time on your technique and the way you actually hit the drum.

This is not fun and it feels boring. You will get tired of playing patterns that you don't understand in relation to Motley Crue or anything that you like to listen to.

I can tell you this.

If you put your mind to learning how to hit the drums the right way, your potential is the sky.

I just came across this video. It's the kind of technique that I am talking about. It's not exciting but... I hope that you will watch it several times until the concepts are drilled into your mind. Also, you will not see an improvement in your drumming skills tomorrow by watching the video today. It will be several months until you are playing drums and BOOM! what was hard to do is easier to do.

It looks like there's many videos by this guy. I would watch it several times before going on to the next video.

Also, reduce the speed of the video so that it is a slower tempo - I did that when I was first trying to play with him. I think he assumes that the viewer is able to keep up with him!

Here it is.

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