Saturday, April 9, 2011

Back to Basics

Do you ever think about what single decision sent you on your current path in life? I've been thinking about it a lot lately. I don't have anything other than some observations. First of all, I am happy with where my life has taken me. I have a beautiful wife and two wonderful kids. I have a full-time job. I have a house. I have food in my belly and I'm not under a cloud of credit card debt. Life is pretty damn fine. I think it's more importatnt to be happy in the moment than to fret about 'what if I had done' or 'what if I had said A instead of B' type of situations. That is my new mantra - move forward. I think it is important to know what happened in the past and to cradle it in awe that I could have been like that. I also think rereading college-era journals shed a light on who I was and who I want to be now, in 2011. They are different people. Totally different people. Focusing on the differences and living life as who I want to be now, in 2011, is the path for me.

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