Sunday, April 24, 2011

Beyond the Resurrection

Jesus rose from the dead today! It is a great day for me to know that Jesus, who had died just three days earlier for *me* and my sins, came back from the dead to fulfill the path that God had set up for him. Jesus was human. That's the thing. Jesus was a political figure who was seen as a troublemaker and as someone who was seen as an instigator of rising up the people against the Romans. He spoke in parables and in ways that his followers really didn't understand. The gospels? Written a long time after his death. I always find that fascinating. I also have heard about the gospel of Judas that was not included in the Bible. I digress. The fact remains that Jesus died for me. Me. And you, of course. But he DIED for me. He said, "I love you so much that I am going to do the ultimate thing I can do and DIE for you." Wow.
That fact floors me every time I think about it. I heard about it at Holy Thursday Mass and I thought about it as I sat in Holy Saturday night Mass. Now, Lent is over and it is my hope to live every day as I did during Lent - reminded of the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for ME. And you, of course.

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