Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Mind Your Free

Free Your Mind

A free mind is a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing. Most people spend much of their time looking for reasons to be offended. An open mind is never offended because it is free of any attachments.

It is never the self that is offended but always the illusion that the self has of itself that is affected by insult! If you can really understand this, deeply grasp it’s truth, live it each day, then pain will be no more.

Next time you ‘feel’ offended look closely within yourself at yourself and ask yourself what was offended? If you remain aware you will see that it was only an image of yourself which you had become attached to, and that image did not resonate with the image contained in the insult. If you weren’t attached, if you didn’t identify with the wrong image of yourself then there would be no offence taken. You would then remain free and therefore happy.

Made me think about the En Vogue tune, which led me to this video. I noticed the video had no comments . . . so I left one:

Great groove - locked in the pocket with the bass lines. Suggestion: if you are having fun or enjoy playing drums, try showing it with a smile. I know that some drummers don't smile when they play - it's fine to be serious about playing music... but it's also supposed to be fun / enjoyable - and your body language tells me you're not having fun / enjoying yourself.

Go ahead, watch the video and tell me the drummer is having "fun" as he plays the drums.

Not to toot my own horn, but do I look like I'm having fun in this video?

Or at the :55 mark of this video? No, I'm having a blast! I'm having fun! Playing drums is ENJOYABLE for me - it's why I seek an Ideal Band - it's why I have not given up, though it has been 4 years, 1 month, 3 weeks, 2 days (1515 days) since Uncle Rico the Band disbanded after our only gig.

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