Tuesday, March 12, 2019

About Addiction

I do NOT know anyone with an opiod addiction. That said, I know there are people in my life that (likely) struggle with addiction of some type, whether they've shared that addiction publicly or not. Where the text below addresses opiod addiction specifically, in my head, opiod can easily be replaced with any addiction. For example, for me, I would replace opiod with buying CDs. I'm not trying to make light of the situation that Ted Kennedy is trying to capture in the tune below - please don't think I am!

All that said, this arrived in my email today and I felt it was a good track and a worthy topic about which to spew my words.

It’s a brutal truth that you can’t help someone who doesn’t realize they have a problem.
All your energy, support and love isn’t enough. Their addiction is out of your control.
No matter how much it hurts, sometimes you have to let go.
My new song, “Forty,” came to me when a close friend relapsed after many years of struggling with opioid addiction. I remember thinking how the cycle of addiction and denial wears people down.
There were just so few people left around my friend that it dawned on me –
the ones who remained, the ones who loved him most, were just the last ones to say goodbye.
You can listen to “Forty” on SoundCloud or Spotify.
Thank you, mxdwn, for officially premiering the track.
I have an album’s worth of material that I’ll be releasing throughout 2019.
I’m looking forward to performing these tracks  live. I plan on growing Frequencies (a monthly concert series that I curate) this year, expanding to more cities and putting on larger events in Toronto. There is just so much going on in electronic music right now, and I feel lucky to be apart of it.
The story isn’t over.
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