Thursday, August 18, 2022

Cancel Metallica?!?

Years ago, I started watching the "Stranger Things" series on Netflix. I watched at least 3 episodes before I got busy with life and now, without keeping up with the series, I am several seasons behind. It's not that I disliked the show - Wynnona Ryder is not ugly after all these years; I just got busy. Also, now, the Internet is buzzing because apparently in the last episode of the current season, a character plays "Master of Puppets" on guitar. One of the results of the Internet is that people try to "cancel" people that they don't understand, which is why this article exists:

In my opinion, if you're going to cancel Metallica, cancel them for covering "So What" and "Green Hell" and "Am I Evil", not because of anything else. It just shows how dumb the idea of cancelling someone is.

Editor's Note: "Stranger Things" and "Cancel Culture" are new labels.

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