Monday, May 21, 2012

Ken + I - Volume II

When I think about the guitarists I've played with, there are two that come to mind. One is James and one is Ken. If you dig around this blog enough, you'll read about both of them. I mention this because one of the joys of converting my cassettes to MP3 is I can revisit the hours I played with each of them separately and together as I convert. I converted a 90 minute tape called "Ken + I - Volume II" last night. What a trip. There is some really good jazzy-bluesy guitar riffing along with some decent drums.

Total Files Listed: 42613 File(s)
I haven't spoken to Ken for nearly 20 years. I drove through the town where his parents live yesterday and it made me compelled to convert this specific cassette last night. I sincerely hope he is doing okay and that, sometimes, he thinks about the magic we made at 3904 Studios.


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