Friday, November 1, 2013


Halloween is not for 364 days, but I came across some scary documentation a bit ago. Looking at documentation whose creation I have nothing to do with and then analyzing it is still fun, especially when I can poke holes in its design and word choice. Why would task-oriented documentation require you to go to step 3 prior to completing steps 1 & 2? In the link above, step 3 should come first. You can't get from step 1 to step 2 unless you are on the screen that is shown in step 3. And why is it necessary to mix up the verbiage in the instructions. The existing text says To drop your collection, click on Delete collection icon. What is the difference between "drop" and "delete" in their system? Why not write To delete your collection, click the Delete Collection icon. Why introduce "drop" when the name of the widget includes the word "Delete" in the description? I wouldn't write a document that explains what changes to a software suite have been made, where XYZ is the exact same functionality that was added to 4 separate menu options in various sub-systems, like this:
  • Menu Option 1 - Changed the program to do XYZ.
  • Menu Option 2 - Altered the program to do XYZ.
  • Menu Option 3 - Modified the program to do XYZ.
  • Menu Option 4 – The program was changed to allow XYZ functionality.
Who would?

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