Thursday, April 24, 2014

Good Intentions

I'm pretty sure the intentions were good with this user guide, but the implementation is a failure. It's a failure because the first two pages of the PDF, which provide information about how to use the user guide shows up in the table of contents, meaning, that the user goes back a page (or two) to read information that is listed in the table of contents. It's a pet peeve. Certainly, I am okay with the content in the first two pages. Telling the user "Display examples:The LCD Monitor Display examples may be different from actual display screens." is a fairly typical disclaimer to avoid getting tech support phone calls with the person calling in saying, "The screen capture on page 74 does / does not show the Widget field, but I don't / do have the Widget field when I go there in the system."

This user guide does it as well. Again, I am perfectly fine with the content - just don't make me flip backwards because the table of contents is listing something that, if I am reading sequentially, I just read!

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