Monday, October 17, 2022

Five Years Ago Today

First, watch this video:

Now, I want to reflect upon my personal journey from when I first thought about abortion in 1992 to when I first watched this video in October 2017.

Where I Was in 1992

I was engaged to Karen.

I drank booze.

I was an idiot.

I supported Bill Clinton in 1992.

That's what I want to focus upon.

At the time, I worked at a telemarketing company called APAC in Cedar Rapids, IA. I vividly recall that on Election Day 1992, APAC had a contract to call either on behalf of then-President George Bush or on behalf of then-candidate Bill Clinton. At the time, I didn't like President George Bush for the dumbest of reasons: Steve Nall, my high school friend, was married to a woman named Teresa at the time that the Gulf War began in Winter 1991. Steve then bravely went to fight for America in the Gulf War in Iraq. Among the many literal casualties, there was also a casualty that hit me close to home: his marriage. I learned that Steve and Teresa were getting a divorce or, possibly, were already divorced by Fall 1992. Because of my unfounded belief that Steve and Teresa would have stayed married if Steve had not gone to the Gulf War, I didn't support President George Bush. THAT was why I believed Clinton would be better than Bush.

What I didn't realize was that Bill Clinton was pro-choice and President George Bush was pro-life. I didn't grasp the topic of abortion in any way, shape, or form. I wrote a song in July 1991 called "Keep Your Hands from my Body" as I drove from Cedar Rapids, IA, to a Writer's Workshop in Antioch, OH, because I saw a bumper sticker with that slogan. I didn't realize that the bumper sticker was, basically, a pro-choice bumper sticker because abortion was not on my radar.

Where I am in 2020

Abortion is murder.


What I am not doing with this post is making excuses for who I was in 1992. Rather, I'm documenting that I was an idiot in 1992 and I pray that I am not an idiot in 2022!

On April 3, 2020, COVID-19 was ravaging through America. Thousands were dying, just as they do from abortions, across the country. In April 2020, President Donald Trump was holding daily press briefings about the steps he was taking to help fight what he called at the time "a war against an invisible enemy." The press did not want to cover these press briefings. Here's a video by Sean Hannity, who was on Fox News at the time, talking about it:

I don't know the future.

On April 3, 2020, I sincerely hope and pray that Joe Biden is not elected president in November 2020.

On April 3, 2020, I sincerely hope and pray that Donald Trump was re-elected in November 2020.

On April 3, 2020, I sincerely hope and pray that COVID-19 has a vaccine.

There's a lot of work to be done in the next 928 days!

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