Friday, February 12, 2016


Carly Fiorina was the Republican candidate for president that I wanted to win the nomination. She won me over when she talked about the issues in Washington, DC, with the analogy that Washington is a lot like a fish - they don't know they are swimming in an ocean so, by extension, that is why Washington can't fix the problems of our country. She went on to talk about how all of the issues that were being debated on the stage were issues that had been discussed and debated for years and years, and yet, nothing was getting accomplished. I honestly thought that, as a former CEO of a company, she had the business sense to come in and make changes. I liked her idea of making every department account for the money they have in their budget. It's common sense that doesn't happen today. I was really hoping she would be the nominee against Hillary Clinton. I had visions of Fiorina winning the eventual debates about the direction our country should head and positioning herself as the obvious choice.

All that said, she dropped out of the race and here's a nice summary of her candidacy:

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