Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Torqued About It

As of Tuesday, June, 7, 2016, Bayside has not scheduled any Iowa dates on their current tour. As I speculated the other day, maybe they will announce a second leg for fall 2016 or spring 2017. Whether they play in Iowa or not on this tour, the thought always occurs to  me that I could travel to another state to see my beloved Bayside. Had I done that yesterday, and drove from Iowa to Cincinnati, OH, I would have been pissed. In fact, I am really happy I wasn't in Cincinnati, OH, yesterday to catch Bayside play their gig.

They played 5 tunes.

That's atrocious! As a member of the "Bayside Cult" movement, my favorite band of all time (yes, outranking Metallica) deserves to be playing a full set every time they step on the stage. At the same time, I recognize Metallica has been restricted to playing even less than 5 songs (one time, I know they played "Bells," "Sandman" and one other tune). But it's the thought of paying the cost of a concert ticket to only see & hear Bayside crank out 5 tunes. You know what though? If it would have worked out to be in Cincinnati, OH, yesterday, I would have gone. I wouldn't have cared. My adoration for the band's music is that compelling. I would go see them play a single song. All that said, I have some quibbles about what songs they chose to play which were, according to setlist.fm, the following:
  1. Already Gone
  2. Montauk
  3. Devotion and Desire
  4. Sick, Sick, Sick
  5. The Walking Wounded
    • While yes, setlist.fm (incorrectly) linked to the entire "TWW" album, I don't care. Quite simply, it's an an awesome release full of great tunes! For the previously embedded tunes on this post, I've used the video that is linked to from setlist.fm so I've embedded the full album - which is incorrect - as well as the single:
Of course, since I have adored Bayside for over a decade (!!), I have to quibble about which 5 tunes they played. Sure, with only time for 5 songs, the decision to include / exclude a tune must have been extremely difficult. How do you choose? In their shoes, I would have probably switched out "Montauk" for "They're Not Horses, They're Unicorns" and switched out "The Walking Wounded" for "Blame it On Bad Luck." I would have also moved "Sick, Sick, Sick" to the final slot.
  1. Already Gone
  2. They're Not Horses, They're Unicorns
  3. Devotion and Desire
  4. Blame It On Bad Luck
  5. Sick, Sick, Sick
So there you go. Another example of when a fan (me) knows better than the band (Bayside) as far as which tunes to play. I'm such an arrogant asshole...

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