Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Learning Always

I've been having a devil of a time getting a linked Word document with a link to a PDF in my RoboHelp project to work in my output. I've been in contact with Adobe Tech Support and, after I requested it, I was sent a link to a sample RH project so I could compare what the Support person said worked for them and what I had in my RoboHelp project that didn't work. The project was placed on a FTP site and when I opened up the FTP site, all I saw was a lot of files. I knew there had to be an easier way than downloading each file individually so I fired up Google.

Here's the procedure I used from How to download a folder containing multiple files on an ftp server to a desktop? to avoid tediously downloading each file.
  1. Open an Explorer window. Click on the Start menu, then select My Computer.
  2. Type the ftp url in the the address bar. For example:
  3. If a login is necessary, a dialog box will appear.
  4. A listing of all directories and files of the server will appear.
  5. Copy the files just as you would with a normal folder.
I really enjoy my job on a day like today when I can come in to work and learn something new. I am blessed to be here!

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