Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Knowing But Not Acting

I *KNOW* Powershell is more popular than MS DOS everywhere in the world... except my workstation. At some point, before I retire, I am vowing, right here, right now, to learn Powershell so that all of the MS DOS batch files I presently use will be Powershell commands. Or a script. I'm not even certain what to call it!

To coincide with that proclamation, here's an article to reference: https://superuser.com/questions/851610/tool-that-converts-any-batch-file-into-powershell

I mean, my gosh, this idea to move from MS DOS to Powershell existed in 2009: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/868318/how-can-i-switch-from-cmd-exe-to-powershell

I can also always count on HowtoGeek.com for information: https://www.howtogeek.com/163127/how-powershell-differs-from-the-windows-command-prompt/

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