Friday, August 17, 2018

F-n-R FC in W


Disclaimer: I didn't originate this solution, but it's clean and elegant and I thought it should be included here:
(Adapted from Search & Replace Field Codes in Word):
  1. Create or find a single instance of the field you want to convert text to
  2. Toggle Field Codes visible (AltF9)
  3. Copy the code for the field you want to use to the Clipboard (highlight and CtrlC)
  4. Open the Replace dialog box (CtrlH), insert the text you want to replace in the Find What box and then enter ^c in the Replace With box.
This will replace your text with the contents of the Clipboard, turning it into the field code you copied in step 3. It also copies formatting information (font, color, etc.), to control how the field will appear when hidden. (Caveat: I've tested this with Word 2003 under Windows 7 only.)

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