Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Giving It Up - Easy? Hard?

Was it easy for me to give up booze?

I've pondered this question within my private journal, but I don't recall writing about this aspect elsewhere on this blog. I know I was not drinking as much as Ric Flair - the video below reveals where Ric Flair was up to 15 drinks a day - so perhaps it's apples & oranges to compare when I drank booze to when Ric Flair drank booze. Perhaps.

When I'm being honest, I'd answer "Yes" if I were asked, "Have there been any times when you thought, "I would be having a beer right now if I hadn't made my choice to not drink booze and I know it would taste really good?" That said, I'm glad I chose to not drink booze. As I've said elsewhere on this blog, I am trying to be the best me I can be to my wife, to my kids, to my other family members, to my friends, and to strangers I encounter only once in my life. I am convinced, being the best version of me means that I don't drink booze. Am I perfect without booze? OF COURSE NOT!!!! Good heavens NO!!! I believe that without booze, I have a better chance of being the best version of me than with booze.

To learn if it easy for Ric Flair to give up booze, you can:

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