Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Top 10 Avengers Fight Scenes

When I have a desire to learn something, I research it. I saw the following video & thought it'd be cool to list the "Top 10 Avengers Fight Scenes" but starting with 10, going down to 1. After doing the research, I now know how and because of that, I have a feeling that, I will use it in my daily work as a technical writer within my disaster recovery documentation and knowledge management projects.

Here's the video.

Here's the fruit of my labor.

  1. Iron Man v. Loki
  2. Hawkeye v. Black Widow
  3. Vision's Birth
  4. Loki v. Hulk
  5. Captain America v. Ultron
  6. Hulk "I'm Always Angry"
  7. Avengers v. Ultron
  8. Iron Man v. Thor
  9. Hulk v. Thor
  10. Surprise!!!

Here's what I did to achieve my desired results.

  1. Opened Google.com and entered this search string: li html tag counting down
  2. Clicked the first result.
  3. Clicked Try It Yourself
    • This was the page that opened.
  4. This is where it got interesting. In the Try It Yourself window, I entered the following.
  5. When I pasted that code into the Blogger HTML editor, I didn't see the same result as shown above. Instead, in the Blogger HTML editor, I entered the following.
  6. That's how I got the list above to display starting with 10, going down to 1.
Editor's Note: I tried to use the above code on 9-19-2022 for a different post and the HTML code doesn't work. Probably has to do with the version of Firefox I am using.

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