Sunday, December 15, 2013

Guns - Sleep - CD Conversion Continues

  • If I was drunk the night before and I awoke in a haze, I am fully convinced that this article about gun violence since Newton would sober me up prior to reading the information about February. I could barely stomach reading this article. The tragedy, the sadness, and the horror of what we, as human beings, do to each other is terribly chilling. It would make me frozen in a sauna.
  • Just for the record, no, I did not drink booze last night. I was watching a Hallmark movie and between 9 and 9:30, I fell asleep. When I woke up on the couch, I promptly went to bed. I fell asleep almost immediately. I have been fighting off a cold and I think yesterday's excursion to take the boys to West to catch their bus, followed by driving to Marion, then shopping, then to Coral Ridge Mall, and then home... well, I think it was too much for me and so I tuckered out.
  • I'm starting the second spindle of my CDs. I am somewhat disappointed that it seems there is no mention - anywhere - of one of my favorite punk bands called The Twits. It's like their CD, which I have listened to countless times, does not exist in the world. Searching for "The Twits" is an exercise in frustration. I find this: and a lot of help that is.

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