Friday, December 20, 2013

Nailed it!

From a Bill O'Reilly column:
Astounding 72 percent of American adults believe big government is the biggest threat to them; 21 percent say big business; five percent big labor. Now that is a repudiation of liberalism -- pure and simple. However, the folks have not yet connected the dots.

They don't like big government. They feel its intruding on their freedoms but they have not linked it up to the Democratic Party and President Obama. Part of the reason for that is the utter incompetence of the Republican Party which still isn't able to present a clear picture of how massive government out-of-control spending and over regulation is harmful to the folks. Unless the Republican Party can find a leader to do that, the country will remain divided."

I am not a mindless Bill O disciple, but his last sentence sums up what I believe. 

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