Tuesday, September 16, 2014

More ISIS Crap

Here's an interesting dilemma that makes me wonder "Who do I believe?"

On one hand, I receive email newsletters from Conservatives that state that ISIS is trying to cross the border into the United States near Mexico / Texas. On the other hand, I receive email newsletters from Liberals that state that ISIS is NOT trying to cross the border into the United States near Mexico / Texas.

So what to believe? Is it possible both are correct - that this group of terrorists are crossing while simultaneously not crossing?

Bill O'Reilly's "Talking Points" memo doesn't concern the sub-issue of ISIS crossing our border, but it does address another alarming idea: the United States is at war. That's the reality. However, since it's an election year and since the presidential candidates for 2016 (Hilary Clinton for the Democrats; Jeb Bush for the Conservatives) are grooming the public for an announcement and because the elections next month will determine if the Republicans will be able to control both the House and Senate and because President Obama doesn't want to leave his successor a war and because of the nightmare (not just political, but in general) called war, there's a lot of uncertainty. Read the Talking Points memo and decide for yourself here.

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