Monday, September 22, 2014

Worth Reading

I like reading articles about my profession, which is "technical writer." I've been a technical writer at 5 companies, including my current employer, and I've worked on 3 contracts that I did outside of my day jobs. I know that 8 is not a huge number of companies / contracts, but it's the only number I have. Sometimes I reflect back upon what my career has turned into. It's not difficult for me to find differences and similarities between my first technical writing job (hire date: 2/10/1995, start date: 2/13/1995) and my current job (start date: 5/31/2011) because, generalizing, not a lot has changed. Everyone thinks they can write. Everyone thinks their command of the English language is at least equal if not superior to mine. That's just par for the world of business.
This article has a really nice summary of my profession.

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