Tuesday, December 15, 2015

At Least 555 Children Killed by Guns in US Since Newtown

I can't believe anyone that has control of their thoughts and actions in this world believes children should be killed by guns. I consider gun control one of those issues where I differ from the Republican party in that I don't believe limiting access to a machine gun is a bad idea. I don't think machine guns should be banned outright. There is no purpose for having one, except murder. Yet, here we are, on the anniversary of a shooting at a school in Newtown, with an article that stunningly points out 555 children under the age of 12 have been buried in the last 3 years.

I don't have a solution for bad people have a gun and then using it to do bad things. Personally, I don't own a gun. I grew up in a household where there was a gun case in our family room - a very nice piece of furniture - and I knew there were bullets for it in the built-in cabinet. I never had a desire to learn how to shoot a gun; I can only remember going to a shooting range one time in my life.

While 555 children dying is horrific, I feel inadequate when I think about it. I can't begin to understand the pain at least 1110 (555 x at least 2 parents - which doesn't account for step-parents and other family situations) parents have gone through as they buried a child. I hope I never have to go through that in my life. I would be beyond devastated. These stunningly awful stats are alarming, as described in this article.

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