Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Subject: Holiday Decorations Guidelines

This email - with the subject "Holiday Decorations Guidelines" just arrived. It makes me chuckle and maybe it will make you chuckle as well. My comments are in bold/italic below.

It's that time of year again - the holiday and winter seasons are rapidly approaching. We want to remind you of a few housekeeping and holiday decoration rules for .... facilities:
  • Decorations for holidays and other events must be confined to workstations/offices. Electrical decorations such as Christmas lights are prohibited.
  • Decorations must not obstruct aisles, doorways, emergency exits or life safety devices such as fire extinguishers.
  • Use of space heaters is prohibited.
    • How is this a holiday decoration guideline? 
  • Wear proper footwear and be mindful of Iowa Winter conditions.
    • How is this a holiday decoration guideline?
  • Drive appropriately for winter driving conditions to help ensure that you arrive to your destination safely.
    • How is this a holiday decoration guideline?

We wish everyone a safe winter and holiday season!!

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