Sunday, December 13, 2015

Violations and Rules and Infractions of Both

I've tried several drafts of this post about the video where a Catholic priest distributes Communion at an Episcopalian church and I have promised myself that whatever comes out through my fingers as a first draft will be what I post so that would be different from previous drafts that were "cut" from my text editor and then replaced with a different version of the same idea - I don't like that it is against the rules that Christ's followers have splintered into different factions. Since Episode VII is on the horizon, it's like religion has to follow absolutes - you are either a member of _____ or you're not and (sometimes) being a "not" means that you are automatically assumed to be against that religion. At Mass today, Father Page talked about how we are in a Jubilee year and that there have only been 29 jubilees in 700 years so this is a big deal in our church. It's very likely that my grandchildren won't have a jubilee in their lifetime - and yes, I'm shuddering about the thought of being a grandfather before 2025.

Back to the subject of this post.


I think the comment on the page that has the video below says it best: "Jesus wasn't Catholic." My hope is that - somehow - all of Christ's followers find their way to a single set of beliefs. That said, it reminds me of a joke I heard at NCYC.

"How many Catholics does it take to change a light bulb?"

Or, the alternate version:
"How many Catholics does it take to change a light bulb?"
"None - we use candles."

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