Saturday, April 2, 2016

What to Do

Given this procedure:
1. Do This
2. Do That
3. Enter the IP Address
4. Do something else.
Have you seen a way to make a single line on an HTML page or Wiki page (whatever) visible ONLY if you enter a password? I can password protect an entire page - that's relatively easy - but what if I only want specific lines on a page hidden?

The other option is to have two outputs: One says "Enter" - the other output says "Consult your Admin for the IP address."

The idea is that some info may be too sensitive for "everyone" to see. I can generate multiple outputs but I don't want to have to define a "rule" for each "sensitive" piece of information & then decide which rules are okay together and which are not. If I password protect a line on a page, you either know the password and can see it or you don't know it and you can't see it.

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