Monday, October 17, 2016

At the Casino Part II

As a recap, this is a picture I took at the casino in Clinton, IA, on Saturday night (or Sunday morning, depending upon your perspective. I had lost $37.50 at the blackjack table and was sitting on a nice comfy leather couch, playing blackjack on my cell phone when I saw the bride below go to the ATM with a girl from her wedding party holding her wedding dress.

Personally, I wonder why this bride and her new husband were not "anywhere else" having sex. It's true - there is a hotel attached to the casino so in my typical fashion of trying to see the positive - maybe the bride and groom went to their hotel suite, had sex, and then came to the casino floor to continue the party. Maybe?

Another thought I had was I know weddings are expensive - both from personal experience & anecdotes I've heard over the years - so why would you want to - literally - take out $ and throw it away?

Again, trying to see the positive, maybe the bride is a professional poker player and just needed to get another $500 because she didn't want to carry so much cash with her?

Sorry, that's grasping at straws.

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