Wednesday, April 11, 2018


In the wake of how the Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg hedge[d] on how Facebook tracks you, I'm here with an amazing thought that no one seems to have figure out. If you don't want Facebook or other tech companies to track you, go offline.


Quit Facebook, Snapchat, Google, YouTube, Twitter... just ditch them all. You were not born with those accounts so yes, you can live without those accounts.

If you don't think you can?

Ask yourself how much time of your day is "screen time."

Me? I watch a lot of youtube videos - just look at any random post or page on this blog as evidence - but after getting into first an online argument on Facebook, which was then followed by a private Facebook Messenger argument about the same topic... with someone I consider a friend? Is it worth losing a friend I met at my church just so I can voice my opinion, which apparently is not the 'right' opinion to have, per his opinion. Whose opinion is right - mine or his? I understood his argument and agreed with a lot of what he wrote. When I pointed out where the source of our disagreement began, he first accused me of twisting his words when he wrote this to me, verbatim, sorry for the vulgarity:

I never fucking said that, recheck this thread or any thread I've typed.

When I sent him a screenshot from the online argument on Facebook, in which he said his opinion, he made excuses, arguing that it was "symantics [sic]" and then followed that with how "I guess I have to cross every t and dot ever i in the future" and saying he was "sorry for not spelling out exactly precisely absolutely word choice perfect what I implied."

Someday, I may end up seeing him again and when I do, how do I act? What do I say?

Wouldn't it be awesome to be able to tell him, "Thank you for arguing your point with me. That whole issue has made me quit posting my opinion on Facebook because when I lost you as my friend, it made me realize I value my friendships with people much more than I value expressing my opinion, which only generated bad feelings between us."

After all, is that what he wants to have happened if he encounters someone who disagrees with him - for that person to be silent?

This post took an unexpected turn, no?

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