Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Want to Irk Me? Use MS Word like THIS

I'm permanently scarred from working at the Unnamed Hellhole in southern Iowa - that's the only conclusion I can arrive at when I feel the disgust flowing through my bloodstream as I view a MS Word document that is formatted like the following:

The Unnamed Hellhole in southern Iowa gets all the credit / blame because that is where the other writer in the department with the title "Senior Technical Writer" insisted upon using InDesign entirely the wrong way. There is no justification to manually type the TOC entries, the leader dots, and the page number. There is no justification to print the 100+ pages in the document to manually check that the page number in the TOC matches the body of the document. There is no justification to state that the "rule" for using one or two spaces after a period is to "use one unless it looks funny, then use two."

I have no doubt in my mind that the aforementioned ex-co-worker would have seen nothing wrong with the screen capture above.

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