Thursday, October 10, 2013

Conversion Last, Finances First

If I kept inline with the history of this blog, I would not write the following: we are in a good place financially. For a lot of years, in order to make our bills, I would need to pull funds from a savings account. I hated doing that as I always had it in my head that our net income - what is deposited in our checking account by our employers - should be enough to pay our bills. While there are "good" and "bad" months, I'm happy to say that it looks like, for the rest of the year, I will not need to use the savings account. Of course, things change and such, but if our monthly bills "play out" like I expect, I will be very happy.

I also have to say that it is extremely ironic that I, the English major that hates numbers am the one that keeps our checking account balanced. I used to do really really poorly in math class. I had a math tutor from 7th (or 8th) grade through my junior year of high school just to get me through. It wasn't until I arrived at Mount Mercy College and had Nancy Rhodes as my math teacher that I felt like I was not an idiot when it came to numbers. I smile when I think about my reaction to actually getting an A on a math test. I couldn't believe it.

Finally, I crossed 63000 after rehearsal last night!

63009 File(s) 535,874,910,363 bytes

Brian Guitar said he was doing the same type of project - I told him I'd take his CDs!

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