Thursday, May 1, 2014

It Makes All the Difference

"What difference does it make?" asked Hillary Clinton in a hearing about Benghazi. She was referring to if the attack was motivated by reaction to a video or not. Turns out, the theory the Democrats have been trying to sell - that there is no Benghazi conspiracy - is not true. Read this article: and think about it. For months, the Democrats have called Benghazi a false issue, that there was nothing to the coverup theory from (some) Republicans that said blaming Benghazi on a video was a political / election year ploy. Consider the post I included on this blog just over a year ago and compare that to what has been revealed since.

Please, I'm not gloating. I think it's awful that politics in America can be like this. It sucks. It makes me ashamed of our leaders and that transcends political party affiliation.


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