Thursday, June 12, 2014

Victories and Defeats

First a victory for the Tea Party. Eric Cantor was up for re-election in Virginia against a newcomer named David Brat. The Tea Party got behind David Brat and now the House Majority Leader is no longer in that role. This article by Ann Coulter points out that he lost by 11 million votes. That's astounding.

As potential presidential candidates jockey for position, Hilary Clinton's name keeps coming up. The other day, in an effort to portray herself as "common" she stated that she and Bill were "dead broke" when they left the White House and the backlash for that statement was quick and pointed. This article argues she won't even run for president but the first comment added to the article by a reader doesn't buy it:

Absolutely wrong. You are generalizing, you are forgetting who Hillary is. She has an insatiable appetite for power, it's all she's pursued all her life. She has an ideological agenda that governs her life that compels her to try to implement it. She's run for president before, she's not going to let this opportunity go to waste. She arrogantly believes the world owes her this.

Personally, I don't know if she believes the world owes her anything. I do believe she will run and I do believe because the Republicans can't resolve their inner conflict - Tea Party v. non-Tea Party - there will be a tighter race than expected. Another reader added this comment to the article:

Even if she did run, I doubt very much if she'd win.
Historically, unless the President is going out with very high favorability marks, the next person running on his party does NOT win the White House. The people want change.
LBJ (D) got it only because Kennedy was assassinated. Nixon (R) followed him. Carter (D) followed Nixon. Reagan (R) got two terms and was well liked, so Bush Sr. (R) won his election and then governed poorly. So we got Clinton (D), who despite his flaws was charismatic enough to win two elections, however, Bush Jr. (R) succeeded him instead of Gore (D). Now we've got Obama (D) who's approval is sinking like the Titanic and so is his party. It is highly unlikely any (D) would win the Presidency this next term.

I surely don't know what is going to happen.

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