Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Mentioned Thousands

I have been working rather feverishly on the CD to MP3 conversion. I am in what I would call the final stretch. I have, roughly, 500 more CDs to go. I have also been consolidating the music and other files on the MyCloud drive. Bluntly, I created a mess and have so many duplicates that it is a terrible and time consuming mess. As I write this, I have 4 DOS windows open on the Toshiba laptop running RoboCopy from 4 different partitions on the MyCloud to an external hard drive. In the meantime, I have already copied some of the files from those directories into my 'master' music folder and the result is that when I ran my DOS batch file a little while ago, I had 93199 File(s). Lucky for me, I have a freeware called Search My Files and I can look for all files with (2) in the file name and delete them. It's not a big deal to also look for all files with @ in the file name and delete them. Yet, it's also kind of fun to say "I have 93,199 files in my music collection."

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