Thursday, August 14, 2014

Spider-Man 3

Again and again, I think my favorite thing to do is to watch a show, a movie or even a pro wrestling match that I have seen previously. "The Middle" or "Spider-Man 3" or the Hardy Boys v the Dudley Boys, a match made for greatness - channeling my inner Yoda - matter not that previously I have seen.

I still don't understand why the common thread among opinions about the Spider-Man trilogy is that it isn't as good as the other two. Over on IMDB, the "thecowardlylorin" opens his review here with these words, "My feelings after watching the third film are somewhere in the neighborhood of satisfied, but that feeling is fairly disappointing. Satisfied more or less means adequate and to follow a sequel that I consider excellent with a film that's only adequate is a certainly a step down." Finish reading the review, though.

I like it.

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